What its all about...

As a fan of table top Role Playing Games, and Video Games, not to mention anime I once had a web site that I devoted to creating conversions of the things I liked to a particular game system or another.

Well I'm back and its time to get back to posting and talking about the things I like with others.

Video Games: I will be trying to write reviews for games I play and may even work out conversions of games to table top RPG's for gamers to enjoy, or at least I will give a guiding hand rather than doing all the work myself. Unfortunately the only game system I own is an X-Box 360, and my computer which kind of limits what I can do. Unless some kind soul wants to buy me an X-Box One. :)

Table Top RPG's: I play a few different table top games along with my friends. Sometimes I will write about a game system I have read up on or tried out, and may write up a conversion for agame system. Game systems I typically play are - Hero System (Champions, Fantasy Hero); Star Wars (Fantasy Flight Version, Saga Edition); Savage Worlds, D&D (3.5 Edition, 5th Edition); Pathfinder, and possibly others in the future.

But I look forward to providing folks with some entertainment and to get some discussions going on things I may post (but please keep it civil).

Also please feel free to click on any ads that are on my blog here, doing so really helps me out.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

The next Gamefly game: Dragon Ball Z - Battle of Z

So I played the demo for this game a while back when it came out, but only just recently got the actual game.  So this is an interesting game that puts you into an action game with some tactical options available as you take charge of a single Z-Fighter and add other fighters of your choice to the team of 4.

Each character has a roll that they can play in the fight like melee, ranged, and a support roll.  The chief complaint I have with the game is that I cannot customize the controls to be more comfortable and intuitive with how I would play it.  But unfortunately you only get to choose a few layouts for your controls rather than assigning buttons as you like.

Now graphics are crisp and nice, but its nothing new for a DBZ game.  There is little storytelling present, but if your familiar with DBZ then you pretty much know how its supposed to work out.

Customizing your character is also not intuitive, but you figure it out fairly fast.  You do gain xp to improve on how useful your character is as well as acquiring cards that you use to actually bump up your character's various stats.  You're also limited in how many cards you can apply.

Also an unusual thing that occurs when you boot up the game is what happens when you try to watch the opening cut scene.  You get about only a minute or so into the cut scene and the game freezes up.  Its annoying but you can easily skip the opening scene which avoids this issue.

Now I haven't beaten the game yet, but it is an interesting game for the DBZ list.  Now if they could just put together an actual RPG like the old SNES game that came out only in Japan...but anyone can get the rom version of the game (complete with English conversion too if you want).

On a different note - still no job.

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