Back with part 5 of my old Dragon Ball Z conversion. This part deals with prestige classes. After this will come the last two parts.
Section 5: Prestige
The Super
Namekkians have a legendary status. The
Super Namek is a being able to take the Nameks ability to heal, and stretch to
literally new Heights. The Super Namek
has the uncanny ability to increase their physical size several fold depending
on their level of power. However to
ascend to this level of power, a sacrifice is required.
To qualify to become a Super Namek, a character must fulfill
the following.
- Have
the Mystic Power Feat.
- Must
have at least 1 level as a Martial Warrior.
- Must
be Namekkian.
- Must
have a Power Level of at least 150.
- Must
have a Constitution of 14+.
- Must
have the Namekkian Fusion feat.
Game Rule Information
Hit Points: Super
Nameks are pretty tough and gain 1d10 per level, including constitution
Class Skills
The Super Namek’s class skills are as follows: Concentration, Intimidation, Jump, Sense
Motive, Tumble, Sense Power, Hide Power.
Skill Points at Each
Level: 2 + Int. modifier.
Class Features
The following are features of the Super Namek.
Size Adjustment:
With each new level of advancement the Namekkian is capable of increasing their
physical size by 1 size class. To
increase their size it must be stated when the character is Powering Up how
many size classes they will grow by. At
level 1 as a Super Namek, the Namek can only increase their size in terms of
bulk. Thus the medium sized Namek can
become a large sized being. These
different size increases are listed below in order of advancement. The character also gains a DR 2/-- regardless
of their size, they also gain a +2 to Strength as well. DR increases by 2 points for each size
category above bulky.
Greater Bulk: The
character can increase the bulk of their muscle mass much more than they could
with the Mystic Power feat. Essentially
when the Namek increases their Strength with ki, the effects last longer than usual. Boosted Strength lasts 3 times longer than
normal, this does not affect any other boosted ability scores however. This does is applied anytime the character
boosts their strength including while they are in a different size.
Large: AC is at a
-1 against targets smaller than them.
Their Strength & Constitution increases by 2 points. This size
increase can be maintained for a number of minutes, equal to the characters
Wisdom modifier +8. After this the
character must rest for 2 times that amount time.
Huge: AC is at a
-2 against targets smaller than them.
Their Strength & Constitution increases by 4 points. This size increase can be maintained for a
number of minutes, equal to the characters Wisdom modifier +4. After this the character must rest for 4
times that amount time.
Gargantuan: AC is
at a -4 against targets smaller than them.
Their Strength & Constitution increases by 8 points. This size increase can be maintained for a
number of minutes, equal to the characters Wisdom modifier +2. After this the character must rest for 6
times that amount time.
Colossal: AC is
at a -8 against targets smaller than them.
Their Strength & Constitution increases by 12 points. This size increase can be maintained for a
number of minutes, equal to the characters Wisdom modifier +1. After this the character must rest for 8
times that amount time.
Strength Bonus:
At levels 2 and 4 the character gains a +2 to their strength.
Damage Reduction:
At level 1 the character the character gains a degree of natural resistance to
physical injury. At level 1 the
character gains a DR 1/+1. At level 3 it
increases to DR: 2/+1, and at level 5 to DR: 3/+1. This stacks wit the DR from the Martial
Warrior class and the Damage Reduction feat.
This is an extraordinary ability.
Energy Resistance:
In relation to their Damage Reduction, the character gains a degree of
resistance to different forms of energy.
These types of energy are divided into the following basic groups: Fire,
Ice, Ki, Arcane, Psionic, Electrical, Acid, and Sonic. (Specifics of each are described in either the
layers handbook, or the DM’s hand book with the exception for Ki, Arcane, and
Psionic energies which are described in this setting enhancement.) The character has 10 points that they may
distribute between any of these types of energy. If the character already has this from the
Martial Warrior class then add 1d4 points to the characters selections. This is an extraordinary ability.
Ki: At each level
of advancement the Super Nameks Power Level increases by 1d8 points plus the
Constitution and Wisdom modifiers.
Note that with size increases once you’ve picked a size and
power up to that size you can not increase your size beyond that until you can
power up again. You can however decrease
your size at will as a free action, and you can as well increase your size back
to the already decided upon size you wish to grow to. Thus in the first round of combat you want to
increase your size to huge. After this
you can decrease your size back to normal, or large, so long as the time limit
does not expire for the initial chosen size.
Even if you grow to Huge size, but then back down to Large size your
time limit is still for the Huge size.
The next time you power up you can increase their size class beyond huge
if possible, but you can not decrease your size from an already previously
chosen size. So when powering up again
you can decrease your size from huge to large so you can remain like that
longer. The ability score bonuses do
Base Attack Bonus
Ref Save
Will Save
Unarmed Attack
Bulky, DR: 1/+1, ER: 10 points/+1d4
Large, +2 Strength
Huge, DR: 2/+1, ER: +1d4
Gargantuan, +4 Strength
Colossal, DR: 3/+1, ER: +1d4
The Spirit Warrior
Not every
one can focus ki in the ways that Monks, Martial Warriors, Red Avengers, and
Weapon Masters can. Some are trained in
a specific way of properly channeling that energy to create some truly
spectacular results. The Spirit Warrior
is just that person. Unlike most
warriors who need a weapon like a long sword or an ax to channel their ki into
the Spirit Warrior only requires a specially crafted wooden weapon. This weapon often resembles an actual weapon,
but has no blade and is essentially a club or quarter staff. In the hands of a Spirit Warrior this weapon
is anything but an ordinary practice weapon.
The weapon can cut deeper than any mundane blade, or pierce the toughest
of armor. Those that have faced a Spirit
Warrior are always astounded to find that their sharp weapons leave not so much
as a scratch on the wooden weapon. Those
that live know never to underestimate these foes again.
To qualify to become a Spirit Warrior, a character must
fulfill the following.
- Skills: Concentration 4 ranks,
Craft (Woodworking) 6 ranks, Sense Motive 6 ranks.
- Feats: Alertness, Iron Will,
Weapon Focus in Club or Quarter Staff, or other wooden melee weapon.
- Base
Attack Bonus +4
- Must
own a wooden melee weapon of their personal making, or one that is off
significant personal importance, like a family heirloom. The wooden melee weapon must be
masterwork quality, and can not be enchanted in any way, or it will loose
all of its abilities, and the wielder will not be able to use their powers
with it.
Game Rule Information
Hit Points:
Spirit Warriors gain 1d6 per level, including constitution modifiers.
Class Skills
The Spirit Warrior class skills are as follows: Balance, Bluff, Concentration, Intuit
Direction, Jump, Listen, Sense Motive, Tumble, Sense Power.
Skill Points at Each
Level: 4 + Int. modifier.
Class Features
The following are features of the Spirit Warrior.
Weapons & Armor: The character is proficient in all Simple
weapons, and light armor. The character
suffers no penalties to their powers when wearing armor.
Power Level: The Spirit Warrior gets a Power Level. This is determined by taking the Characters
Constitution score and adding their Wisdom modifier to that, then multiplying
it by 2. At each new level the character
gains 1d6 points to that amount. This
energy is used to fuel the Spirit Warriors abilities. The character however does not have a Power
Up ability, instead they draw on the energy as they need it for their
abilities. This ki however is all that
the character has for the day. They must
rest like a Martial Warrior, Cleric, Mage, or Psychic before they can use their
powers again.
(Note to determine the Spirit Warrior’s True Power Level
take the characters other class levels and add them together, then divide them
by 2, then take the characters Power Level and multiply it by this number. Next divide those class levels again, but
this time divide them by either 4 if they have levels as a Marital Warrior,
Magic User, or Psychic or using one of the prestige classes in this section;
divide them by 5 if they have levels in any other class. With multiclasses add the numbers
together. Take this number and add a
number of zero’s to the end of the characters Power Level as a Spirit
Warrior. A level 9 character, Monk
3/Fighter4/Spirit Warrior 2, and a Power Level of 37.
Focus Energy: The Spirit Warrior can focus their new found
power into a wooden weapon. This weapon
becomes as hard as steel and apart of the Spirit Warrior. They can sense this weapon if dropped, and
exactly how far way that is from them by making a Sense Power check (DC
15). The weapon does an extra die of
damage, based upon what it already does.
A quarterstaff does 1d6/1d6, for a Spirit Warrior it would do
2d6/2d6. The weapon also glows with a
blue, orange, red or black energy depending on the wielders personality. This isn’t very extravagant however and
appears as if the energy is a sort of mist flowing around the weapon. The weapon, in or out of the characters hands
is exceptionally strong, and has a hardness rating as if it were solid steel. The weapon sheds light up to only 5ft. The glow is a bit dull, and the wielder does
not have to have the weapon glow if they desire not to, but it will glow when
they start to use their other abilities.
The extra damage is only when the weapon is in the Spirit Warriors
Release Energy: The Spirit Warrior can unleash a ranged
energy attack with their weapon. This is
often done by striking the ground in some fashion, a blade of energy instantly
shoots forth racing toward the target.
The problem is that it can only be used against ground opponents. The attack does 2d6 points of damage per 5
points of ki put into the attack, this is not governed by level, but by how
much energy you can use. Later you can
choose to affect a group of enemies around you.
Again by striking the ground, lances of energy shoot out in every
direction at the enemy near you and erupt out of the ground just underneath
their targets. All targets of these
attacks can make a reflex save (DC 15 plus the characters level as a Spirit
Warrior.) Failure means they take full
damage, if they make it they take half damage.
The initial type of use has a range of 80ft and homes in on the targets
position. The other sends lances out at
any opponents with in 20 feet of the character.
All of these attacks are full round actions.
Shield: By holding the wooden in front of them, the
Spirit Warrior can create a protective field of energy completely around
themselves. Using this drains 5 points
of ki from the character each time it is used.
The shield nullifies a number of dice in a magic spell, or power that
does damage, this number is determined by the characters level as a Spirit
Warrior +2. thus at level 3 the Spirit
Warrior can stop spells and attacks that have at least 5 dice of damage, any
more will carry over to the person. A
fireball for example can be nullified by the use of this ability for the
character and any one directly behind him.
After shield has taken more
damage then it can handle it will drop and a new one will need to be made. The shield only protects a 5ft area, and the
character must succeed in making a Reflex Save (DC dependent upon the spell or
power). If they fail the save they can
not erect the Shield in time, but can make a standard reflex save if one is
allowed. Spells or Powers that do not
allow for a Reflex save can be blocked by the shield only if the Spirit Warrior
is aware of the attack, (in which case DC is 10 plus the casters level.) Also noncorporial beings can not attack
through this shield while it is in effect.
Shield remains in effect until the character takes an action, as such
their entire time must be spent maintaining the shield. Normal physical attacks can however penetrate
the shield, only noncorporial beings like ghosts and such can not by-pass it
while it is in effect.
Powered Weapon: Eventually even the power of the weapon
increases. As the character advances the
weapon gains an accumulative +1 enchantment to hit & damage. The glowing of the weapon tends to be a bit
brighter with each increase; increasing the level of light emitted by an
additional 5ft. Also the character can
choose to divert the bonus to hit and damage to their AC. While the bonus, or part of the bonus is
diverted the weapons damage and to hit enchantment bonus are of course
reduced. Thus if you have a +4 to hit
and damage while wielding the weapon, you can refocus part of that energy to
defending your self by increasing your AC by 1 to 4 points. So if I increased the characters AC by 2
points their weapons enchantment bonus would drop from a +4 to a +2. This action must be declared at the start of
Energy Whirlwind: The Spirit Warrior can create a whirl wind of
energy with a simple slash of their blade.
This is a ranged attack against a single target with a bit more
devastating effects than the Released energy attack. Simply by slashing their weapon in the air
they can create an energy whirlwind.
This whirlwind is small, like a mini tornado, no bigger than the
person. It quickly flies in at the
target, following them around as they move.
Once caught in the whirlwind, they remain there a 1d6 rounds taking 2d6
points of damage each round. The target
can try and make a reflex save to avoid the whirlwind each round. The whirlwind will die out on its own if it
does not hit anything, after 4 rounds.
Once a victim is caught in it they can not escape, the sucker kicks into
hyper drive and can not be stopped unless the target is capable of using ki
themselves and can raise a deflection, or has a spell of power that provides
some sort of protection that ca be erected before the attack is used. It takes
10 points of ki to create this attack.
Final Strike:
This is a single powerful attack that uses up all of the Spirit Warriors energy
to finish off their opponent. It must be
stated before hand that the character will be using Final Strike to finish off
an opponent. The character makes a
single attack at their highest base attack bonus, plus any other
modifiers. If the attack hits, the out
come is that the character has plunged their wooden weapon into the body of
their opponent. They then release all of
their energy at once as they plunge the weapon deeper in. Each 5 points of ki spent in this attack
increases the weapons damage by 1d10.
The effect is one of lightning erupting out of the body of the target
flying up into the sky. If it kills the
target, nothing is left of them except for a statue of dust that crumbles the
second it is moved. Either way the character’s
wooden weapon also crumbles to dust, and they must make another. The last draw back to this is that the
opponent must have lost at least half of their HP before this can even be
used. This can be determined by making a
Sense Power check. This check can be
made once a round against the target you are intending on using the Final
Strike against.
Destruction of the Wooden Weapon.
This is
nothing really bad. Simply crafting a
new one will solve your problems. Upon
completion of crafting the weapon, the Spirit Warrior must become used to the
new weapon before the weapon regains all of the abilities the former one had,
this takes about a week to do.
Base Attack Bonus
Ref Save
Will Save
Power Level, Focus Energy
Release Energy (Single Target), Powered Weapon (+1)
Powered Weapon (+2)
Release Energy (Group)
Powered Weapon (+3)
Energy Whirlwind
Powered Weapon (+4)
Final Strike
Powered Weapon (+5)
The Spiritual Healer
To qualify to become a Spiritual Healer, a character must
fulfill the following.
- Skills: Concentration 4 ranks,
Heal 6 ranks, Knowledge (Healing) 6 ranks, Profession (Healer) 6 ranks.
- Can
not have any levels as a Martial Warrior.
The ways of a healer clashes with the ways of the warrior.
- Must
be Lawful Good. The power of a
Spiritual Healer is born from a great desire to help people.
Game Rule Information
Hit Points:
Spiritual Healer’s gain 1d6 per level, including constitution modifiers.
Class Skills
The Spiritual Healer’s class skills are as follows: Concentration, Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge
(Healing), Profession, Sense Power.
Skill Points at Each
Level: 4 + Int. modifier.
Class Features
The following are features of the Spiritual Healer.
Weapons & Armor: The Spiritual Healer is not proficient in any
weapons or armor. Wearing armor will
cause the character to loose the Speed AC bonus they gain while flying.
Power Level: At level 1 as a Spiritual Healer, the
character unlocks their ability to use ki to heal. Initially this is not much, but they quickly
gain more energy. The character starts
with a Power Level equal to their constitution score, plus charisma modifier,
x2. At each level as a Spiritual Healer,
the characters power level increases by 1d8 points plus the characters Charisma
Modifier. The character has no power up
and draws out only the amount of energy that they need each time.
Flight: At level
1 the Spiritual Healer gains the benefits of the Flight technique.
Healing Hands: Upon touching a person the character can
choose to heal that person. The act of
healing only restores damage to the person’s body. It also restores energy to the person. Healing however takes time to do, unlike a
healing spell, but it is very effective.
Healing happens at a rate as such: 1 point of ki will restore 2 Hit
Points, 2 ki points or Power Points, allows a spell caster to cast 1 extra
spell per level of the healer, (spell level does not mater, number of spells
that the mage can cast from this must be determined as they are being healed
from what they can already cast as well as any restriction in the number of
spell that can be cast of that level.)
In one round the character can use up to their Charisma in points of
energy to heal a single target. During
that time they can take no other actions, and the person must remain still or
inactive while they are being healed as well.
At each level the amount that can be restored increases by 2 points for
Hit Points, 2 points of ki and power points, and no increase for spells. So at level 2 for 1 point of ki the Spiritual
Healer can restore 4 Hit points and so on.
The draw back is that they can not heal themselves at all with this
ability. Additionally for 5 ki points
the Spiritual Healer can restore 1 point of temporary ability score damage, 10
ki points for permanent damage.
Awareness: At level 4 the Spiritual Healer gains a
degree of super natural awareness. The
Spiritual Healer may add their level as a Spiritual Healer to all Sense Power
skill checks, and Scrying Checks (if they already have the skill).
Sense/Awaken Hidden
Power: At level 8 the Spiritual Healer
gains the ability to sense if a person has latent or hidden powers. This is dependent upon the characters primary
class (highest level class). First the
Spiritual Healer must be touching the persons head, and must make a Sense Power
Check, DC 25. If they make the check
then they can sense that the person has some hidden potential or power that can
be unlocked. If they fail the check then
they can sense nothing in the person.
The check can only be made for a target only once in that persons life. Meaning that while you can continue to make
this sort of check on anyone you encounter, you can only do it once per
person. If they died and were reborn, or
resurrected you could make the check again on the person as they aren’t
necessarily the same. All of this takes
the equivalent of about a minute of concentration. Once it has been determined that the person
has hidden potential the character can as a free action unlock that potential. For the person its like powering up in a way,
they feel a sudden upsurge of energy from with in them as things with in them
are unlocked. Below are the Classes and
what the effect of this to each of them is.
- Barbarian: The barbarian’s rage is
a bit more potent than most others.
The barbarian’s bonuses to Strength, and Constitution increase by 1
point while in a rage.
- Bard: The bard’s music is much
more powerful others. The bard’s
music gains a +1 bonus to its effects for Inspire Courage, +2 for Countersong, +2 for Fascinated,
+1 for Inspire Competence, +2 to the DC of Suggestion, one more person can
be effected with Inspire Greatness.
- Cleric: The cleric’s healing
spells are more potent than normal.
For a cleric they can heal an additional 2 points of damage with
any healing spell, with restoring lost ability points the cleric may
restore 1 additional point.
- Druid: The Druid is capable of
attracting animal companions with 1 more hit die. So as a level 1 druid the character
could have an animal companion with 3 Hit Die rather than 2. Or at level 3 with the Animal Friendship
spell the Druid can attract a 7 hit die animal rather than 6. Basically this effects the potency of
the Animal Friendship spell.
- Fighter: The fighter’s fighting
skills increase. The fighter can
select 1 bonus feat from their list of bonus feats as a free selection.
- Monk: The effects of the monks
Stunning Attack are a bit more potent than others. The effects last 2 rounds rather than 1,
and the DC increases by 2 points for targets saving throws.
- Paladin: The paladins Lay on Hands
divine power is a bit more potent than that of others. The character gains a +1 to their
charisma modifier total before it is multiplied by the characters level.
- Ranger: Rangers may select 1 more
Favored enemy as if it were their first selection, this bonus also
increases with the actual level 1 selection. Thus at say level 15 the ranger can have
2 chosen enemies which they are at a +4 against, and then have the normal
number of chosen enemies after that.
- Rogue: The nimble rogue gains a +1
bonus to all of their class skills, so long as the skill has ranks in
it. If it does not then it misses
out on this bonus even if the character puts skill points into it later.
- Sorcerer: The sorcerer may know 1
additional spell for each level of spells that they have available to
them. This is for spells known
only, not spells per day.
- Wizard: The wizard is my learn 1
extra spell per day for each spell level available to them.
- Psions: The psion has 1 more
psychic power awakened with in them.
This power must be one of their discipline powers. The power however must be with in the
levels currently available to the Psion.
Psions also get 4 extra Power Points.
- Psychic Warriors: The psychic
warrior may select 1 additional power with in the levels available to
them. The psychic warrior also gets
2 extra power points.
- Martial Warrior: The martial
warrior gets some extra ki points added into their Power Level. The martial warrior gets a random number
of points depending on the roll of a 1d6.
On the roll of a 1 multiply the characters Constitution Modifier by
1.5. On a 2 multiply it by 2. On a 3 multiply it by 2.5. On a 4 multiply it by 3. On a 5 multiply it by 3.5. And on the roll of a 6 multiply the
modifier y 4. This number is then
added into the characters Power Level.
- Prestige Classes: Prestige classes
get nothing, only the classes above determine the bonuses awakened for the
Bring Back the
Fallen: If a character has died of
unnatural causes, (namely from fighting or was murdered), and the body is
intact, (at least 80% of the targets body must be intact, and they must have
their head) the person can be brought back from the beyond. The requirement is that it must have just
happened, the Spiritual Healer has 5 minutes from the persons time of death in
which they can bring them back. The
healer instead of using their ki, must sacrifice their own hit points to
restore the targets body. This is like
using ki, but its sacrificing ones own life force to revive another. The loss of HP is subdual, but can kill the
Spiritual Healer if they are not careful.
The healer must sacrifice 5 Hit points per point of Constitution the
target has. The lower the targets
Constitution the easier it is to bring them back. Thus if a person has a Constitution of 14 it
would take 70 Hit Points from the Spiritual Healer to revive that person. The target suffers no level loss or anything
as a result of this. When the person is
revived they are no longer bleeding and have 1/4th of their maximum
hit points. Lost limbs however can not
be restored, and ability point damage taken prier to death is no longer in
effect, its restored as well unless permanent.
This is gained at level 10.
Base Attack Bonus
Ref Save
Will Save
Power Level, Flight, Healing Hands
Healing Hands (+2)
Healing Hands (+4), Flight (+10 Speed)
Healing Hands (+6), Awareness
Healing Hands (+8), Flight (+10 Speed)
Healing Hands (+10)
Healing Hands (+12), Flight (+10 Speed)
Healing Hands (+14), Sense/Awaken Hidden Power
Healing Hands (+16), Flight (+10 Speed)
Healing Hands (+18), Bring Back the Fallen.
The Superior
superior warrior is a martial warrior above most others. The person has become something of a super
self. The person is much stronger than
other martial warriors and is often able to fight and perform on a much grander
To qualify to become a Superior Warrior, a character must
fulfill the following.
- Power Level: Must have a Power
Level over 100.
- Base Attack Bonus: +8
- Feats: Improved Unarmed Strike,
Expertise, Dodge, and Mobility
- Must
have at least 4 levels as a Martial Warrior.
Game Rule Information
Hit Points: Superior Warriors gain 1d10 per level, including
constitution modifiers.
Class Skills
The Superior Warrior class skills are as follows: Balance, Concentration, Intimidate, Intuit
Direction, Jump, Tumble, Sense Power, Hide Power.
Skill Points at Each
Level: 2 + Int. modifier.
Class Features
The following are features of the Superior Warrior.
Weapons & Armor: The character gains no additional weapon
proficiencies, or armor proficiencies.
Additionally the character gains a speed bonus each level like a Martial
Warrior, this does provide a bonus to the characters AC, but no Armor may be
Greater Unarmed
Combat: The Superior Warrior’s ability to fight unarmed is even
greater. The characters gains +1d4 to
their unarmed damage, this stacks with the Heavy Hitter feat.
Improved Dodge:
The character gains a +1 dodge bonus to their AC while in combat, or they can
choose to get a +2 bonus to their AC against a single target.
Improved Mobility:
The character gains a +6 bonus rather than a +4 bonus to their AC when moving
through a threatened area.
Indomitable Will:
The character is not one to be kept down easily. Regardless of how badly hurt the character is
they may keep fighting, even when their HP is in the negatives. (If their HP falls below their Constitution
they still die.) The character must make
a Will Check each round (DC 20), to remain active. They suffer no penalties for being badly
injured should they make the check. If
they fail they fall to the ground and can not continue to fight. The character also gains a bonus to resist
mind controlling and/or altering spells & powers. This bonus is equal to ½ the characters Superior Warrior level.
Breakthrough: The
character can, as a Full round action, try to break through an opponents
defenses with a single strike. The
character makes an attack roll at their highest attack bonus. If they hit, during the next round only their
opponent looses their Dexterity modifier to their AC. After that their opponent regains their
Dexterity modifier to their AC. The
Breakthrough attack may be used any number of times in a battle but no more
than once against the same opponent.
Keep it Coming:
The character may ignore an amount of damage of any type a day equal to the
characters level as a Superior Warrior.
After this amount is expended the character takes damage normally. Any damage reduction that the character has
is applied before damage is subtracted from this amount.
Damage Reduction:
Initially the character gains a DR 1/---, and every 3 levels the characters DR
increases by 1. This stacks with any
other form of DR offered by a class, or natural DR.
Energy Resistance:
In relation to their Damage Reduction, the character gains a degree of
resistance to different forms of energy.
These types of energy are divided into the following basic groups: Fire,
Ice, Ki, Arcane, Psionic, Electrical, Acid, and Sonic. (Specifics of each are described in either
the layers handbook, or the DM’s hand book with the exception for Ki, Arcane,
and Psionic energies which are described in this setting enhancement.) At level 2 as a Superior Warrior the character
gains 10 points to allocate to any of the listed types of energy above. If they already have this feature then they
gain 1d4+1 points to allocate, and an additional 1d4+1 points every 4 levels. This is an extraordinary ability.
Hard and Fast:
When making a Charge attack the character may move at double their normal
speed, regardless of how close they are, but must have at least 10ft to start
the charge. The character makes the
attack at a -4 to hit, but if they hit they then do 1d8 points of damage per
10ft of speed they were moving rather than 1d6.
Target may make a Reflex save for half damage, (if they have evasion
then it’s for no damage, DC is equal to the attack roll to hit). This attack requires an expenditure of 20 ki
points to initiate. The character must
have an additional 10 feet behind the target to stop. In total the character must have a total of
20ft open for the action, (the target is some where in between all of
this.) The attack can not be used twice
against the same target in the same encounter.
The attack does not draw an attack of opportunity unless it fails to
hit, in which case only the opponent targeted may immediately make an attack of
opportunity against the character.
Base Attack Bonus
Ref Save
Will Save
Unarmed Attack
Speed Bonus
Greater Unarmed Combat
DR: 1/--, ER: 10pts/1d4+1pts
Improved Dodge
Improved Mobility
DR: 2/--
Indomitable Will, ER: 1d4+1pts
DR: 3/--
Hard and Fast
Keep it Coming, ER: 1d4+1pts
The Great Champion
The great
champion is a person who is driven to protect those around themselves, even
those that they do not know, and in some cases they protect those who would
harm others. The great champion is a
paladin amongst paladins. They are
heroes in every sense of the word. They
have few weaknesses except for their kind hearts.
To qualify to become a Great Champion, a character must
fulfill the following.
- Levels: Must have a Power Level
over 150, or have at least 11 levels as a Paladin.
- Base Attack Bonus: +11
- Alignment: Lawful Good only
Game Rule Information
Hit Points: Great
Champion gains 1d10 per level, including constitution modifiers.
Class Skills
The Great Champion’s class skills are as follows: Bluff, Concentration, Diplomacy, Intimidate,
Jump, Sense Motive, Spot, Tumble, Sense Power
Skill Points at Each
Level: 2 + Int. modifier.
Class Features
The following are features of the Great Champion.
Weapons & Armor: The character gains no additional weapon
proficiencies, or armor proficiencies.
If the Great Champion does not already have the ability to fight unarmed
by being a monk, or martial warrior, then they are able to do so as if they had
the Improved Unarmed Strike feat, however they only do 1d6 points of damage
when fighting unarmed. If the character
can already fight unarmed they do not gain any bonus to the damage they can
already do. Additionally the character
gains a speed bonus each level like a Martial Warrior, this does provide a
bonus to the characters AC, but no Armor may be worn. Lastly the Characters Base Attack Bonus must
either be used with the characters normal attack bonus or, if they have it,
their Unarmed Base Attack Bonus.
Control Energy:
If the Great Warrior does not have a Power Level they now have one as if they
were a Martial Warrior 4 levels lower, and continue to gain in power.
Rightful Cause:
When ever the Great Champion takes up a cause they gain bonus equal to their
Great Champion level to all actions taken while fighting for that cause. The Great Champion may only take up 1 cause
at a time, but can drop causes in favor of much nobler ones, or ones that hold
greater purpose.
Defend the Weak:
As a move equivalent reaction the Great Champion may move to intercept an
attack aimed at another. The Great
Champion may attempt to deflect the incoming attack, or in some other way block
it. If the Great Champion does not
already have the ability they then gain the Deflection ability as noted under
the Martial Warrior Class. The Great
Champion can move up to double their speed to intercept the attack. If the Great Champion has already moved for
this round they then loose their movement action for the next round. Lastly the Great Champion is at a +1 to their
AC while defending someone.
Upholding Ideals:
As a full round action the Great Champion may try to rouse others to fight or
to fight harder, (the Great Champion is considered to be on Full Defense). The Great Champion must make a Diplomacy
check (DC15). If they make the check
they have inspired others to fight back or to continue fighting, and they gain
a +1 morality bonus to their AC and Base Attack Bonus. If targets are under the effects of a Fear
spell or power, then the DC increases by a number of points equal to the
spell/powers level or equivalent level.
If the DC is beaten then those who were effected by the Fear spell are
no longer effected by it for a number of rounds equal to the characters Charisma
Modifier + their level as a Great Champion, they gain no other bonuses however.
Bold Statement:
As a free action the Great Champion may make bold statement or declaration of
their intentions. Great Champion must
however follow through with this action however. This can be something like vowing to slay an
opponent, or pledging to defend a family for a certain time, or it could be
something much simpler like winning a contest.
The character gains a bonus equal to their level as a Great Champion
while doing anything to fulfill their proclamation, (this bonus is only added
to any rolls made with a 1d20; it is not added into any damage done). However, the Great Champion may only make
such a statement only once per day.
Final Hope: This
awesome ability allows the Great Champion to push on beyond their own injuries
and pain to keep fighting. When ever the
Great Champion’s HP is reduced to at least 1/4th its maximum base
amount, and when all other warriors are unable to fight, or continue to fight,
the Great Champion reaches deep with in themselves for the strength to over
come their foes. The Great Champion
gains a +2 to their attack & damage rolls.
Energy Resistance:
The character gains a degree of resistance to different forms of energy. These types of energy are divided into the
following basic groups: Fire, Ice, Ki, Arcane, Psionic, Electrical, Acid, and
Sonic. (Specifics of each are described
in either the layers handbook, or the DM’s hand book with the exception for Ki,
Arcane, and Psionic energies which are described in this setting
enhancement.) At level 2 as a Great
Champion the character gains 10 points to allocate to any of the listed types
of energy above. If they already have
this feature then they gain 1d4+1 points to allocate, and an additional 1d4+1
points at level 4. This is an
extraordinary ability.
Base Attack Bonus
Ref Save
Will Save
Speed Bonus
Control Energy, Rightful Cause
Defend the Weak
Upholding Ideals
Bold Statement
Final Hope
Part 4 is here! Part 6 & 7 are here!