Ok, I've been itching to get this up, but it's been a long build and isn't' ready to be posted yet.
So the D&D 5th Edition is something one can learn to enjoy, which I am though I would still prefer Hero System over it any day. Now years ago I made a full Dragon Ball Z conversion for D&D 3rd Edition (which I reposted here for everyone). Now about a month ago on Facebook someone put out a request for help figuring out how to make a Saiyan for use in their D&D campaign. I sent them some stats and they loved what I gave them. Since then I’ve been meaning to put out some more DBZ related stuff.
Now there are only so many ways to call a Martial Artist something interesting in D&D. Obviously the Monk is one means but it doesn’t quite match up with what martial artists can do in not just DBZ, but say in Street Fighter as well and a number of other anime’s and manga.
This is what led me to the Martial Warrior name and what it can do.
On a weird note I did a search not to long ago and found that one of the versions of my original DBZ conversion for D&D is on Scribd. However someone by the name of : John "King" Roberts has decided to publish in hopes of saving stuff for others to use in the future. A noble task I'd say.
And if you follow the link in his name you can see that he's saved all of my other pieces of work too.
Either way I found his Facebook link and sent him a message thanking him for trying to keep my past pieces of work known to others.
UPDATE (03/12/2016)
Hey everyone, so with a project I've got going on I decided that I needed to go back and look at the Martial Warrior once more. As such I made some changes. Now I am leaving the previous version for anyone who likes that write up and wants to use it, however I have revised and rewritten portions of the class and will be posting the revised version right below the previous version below.
UPDATE (05/10/2017)
The latest 5th edition version has seen an overhaul and revision. I had finally gotten a friend of mine to look the conversion over and he gave me some suggestions on things to change, or take out. This is in addition to some grammatical and spelling errors that I never got around to correcting. Not only was the class overhauled, but the Saiyan species was changed in spots, and I even got around to adding the Namekian.
His hands glowed as they were pulled to his side, a spinning ball of energy crackled as it began to form in the instant he began the action, chanting the name of his attack. Thrusting his hands forward toward his orc foe he shouted the final part and the energy was released. The beam of the attack slammed into his foe, but he continued to stand. He focused the energy on his foe, pouring more into them as they attempted to advance, their armor buckling and flesh burning under the force of the attack. Finally they buckle as the force of the blast punched through their armor caving in their chest and sending them staggering back to collapse in a heap.
She assumes a stance and awaits her foes charge. Her foe moves forward slashing at her with a massive axe, but she holds up a hand grabbing the blade with ease and no harm. She smiled at her foes surprised face as she focused her power and snapped the axe blade off its handle. Steel forged by hand was strong, but steel forged of will was stronger.
Surrounded by foes the man smiled and gestured broadly for them all to attack. The mob surged in around him, but it was exactly what he wanted. He was a blur of motion striking out in all directions with force that the did not know, sending his opponents sprawling. But he was no longer in their midst, but above them. His arms were now a blur as he unleashed a barrage of energy strikes upon the foes below him. Numbers meant little against one who was trained to fight against them.
Martial Warriors devote themselves to one of several different methods of fighting known as their fighting art. But it is their unequaled mastery of ki that makes the Martial Warrior a force to be reckoned with.
The Power of Ki
Much like the Monk, the Martial Warrior devotes time to learning to harness and control their ki, but to unequaled levels above that of the Monk, though because of their training they do not use ki in the same manner that a Monk can and will never be able to. A Martial Warrior learns to amplify their ki, expel it from themselves with unbridled force, or to turn it inward be able to do things others cannot. As they gain experience a Martial Warrior becomes more adept at how they can use their ki and how much power they can put into their attacks.
Dedicated Training
Martial Warriors come about from dedicated training under a single master rather than in schools or monasteries with others. This training is more specialized and personal allowing the Martial Warrior to develop a deeper understanding of the martial arts and to push their body to its limits under the careful guidance of a master. Martial Warriors do not live the same life as their Monk brothers as they see adventure as the best form of training as it gives them real life experience and allows them to develop the techniques they need based upon their experiences rather than through any set path.
Martial Warriors tend to find work in places that make use of their unique fighting skills either as a bodyguard, mercenary, or adventurer. In fact the life of an adventurer is what truly appeals to any Martial Warrior as the best means of constantly testing their capabilities and developing new techniques for using against their foes.
Creating A Martial Warrior
As you make your Martial Warrior think about what drives them to fight and train. Do they desire to protect others? Are they out to become stronger and to test their might with every opportunity? Were they raised by their master and intern the great secrets of martial arts were passed on to them? Or perhaps there is some other reason, such as a need to best a particular foe.
Because they seek to test themselves whenever possible most Martial Warriors are Neutral in alignment.
Quick Build
You can make a Martial Warrior quickly by following these suggestions. First make Constitution your highest ability score followed by Dexterity. Second choose the Folk Hero background.
As a Martial Warrior, you gain the following class features.
Hit Points
· Hit Dice: 1d8 per Martial Warrior level
· Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + Constitution Modifier
· Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per Martial Warrior level after 1st.
· Armor: None
· Weapons: None
· Tools: Choose any 1 type of tools, or musical instrument.
· Saving Throws: Dexterity, Constitution
· Skills: Choose three from Acrobatics, Athletics, History, Insight, Intimidation, and Perception.
· Dungeoneer’s Pack or (B) an Explorer’s Pack
· Chosen Tool.
Beginning at 1st level while you are wearing no armor and not using a shield, your AC equals 10 + your Dexterity Modifier + your Constitution Modifier.
At 1st level you must choose a form of martial arts that will affect how the character fights and defends themselves. Unlike other classes the Martial Warrior does not use weapons; instead they focus their unarmed fighting capabilities and hone them to a sharper edge than any blade. Additionally they can lash out with their ki in ways one would cast a cantrip, granting the Martial Warrior versatility that others do not have.
· You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for attack and damage rolls for your unarmed strikes. If you learn to use weapons you can make use of your Dexterity instead of your Strength on the attack rolls of a number of weapons you have learned to use equal to your INT mod +1 (minimum 1).
· Unarmed Strike: You can roll 1d6 in place of normal damage of your unarmed strike. As you gain in levels the type of die you roll changes based upon your level.
· Ki Blast: Instead of making an unarmed strike you can also focus your power to a single point and deliver a ki blast at an opponent. This blast is equal to your unarmed damage, and has a range of equal to the character’s CON Modifier x 15 in feet for short range and x30 feet for long range. The damage type of ki blasts is Force and is treated as any normal ranged attack, but counts as magic for overcoming resistances. Attack rolls are made with the character’s DEX modifier + proficiency bonus. The damage bonus however is based off the character’s CON modifier.
Starting at 2nd Level, your training allows you unleash the full capabilities of your ki. With this feature you gain a number of unique abilities that enhance on what you can do. When initially gained the character gets a number of Ki Points equal to their CON modifier + their level as a Martial Warrior. These ki points can be spent to fuel the following ki abilities as well as others as you gain them. If a ki feature requires a target to make a saving throw it is calculated as: 8 + Proficiency Bonus + CON Modifier. A character regains all ki points after a long rest, or during a short rest they can recover a minimum of 1 + their WIS modifier (no less than 1point). Note that the below features cannot be combined with techniques unless the technique clearly states that it enhances the feature. Below are four basic techniques that a Martial Warrior uses.
· Flurry of Blows: Functions exactly as the Monk version of this.
· Lesser Haste: Speed increases by 10ft, and you gain a +1 to AC until the start of your next turn.
· Focused Power: Ki can be focused to allow an attack to be delivered faster, or to hit harder. You can gain either a +2 to your next attack roll or a +4 to damage, but not both.
· Technique Effect: This option cannot be gained until you reach level 6. At this point you can choose 1 of the blast, or strike effects that you may apply to your unarmed attack or ki blast for 1 ki. Only one effect can be applied at a time. You gain an additional effect you can apply at level 12, and 18.
When you reach 3rd level, you commit yourself to a style of fighting: Unleashed Arts, Aegis Arts, and Mighty Arts. These styles are detailed later. Your style grants you features at 3rd level, 6th, 11th, and 17th level.
Starting at 3rd Level the character gains the ability to use ki techniques. These are special powers that the character can use that can either enhance upon a specific aspect of the character’s existing capabilities, or it can grant a new capability or power. Ki techniques are built off the character’s unarmed damage or ki blast by adding effects to them. For more on these, look below. The number of techniques you may know is based upon your level.
When you reach 4th level, like with any other class, as well as at every 4th level there after you can improve an ability score or two of your choice by +2 or +1 (each). You may also choose to gain a Feat instead of increasing an Ability score. Scores are of course limited to being no higher than 20.
At 4th level you move more swiftly to a point that gravity holds no sway to you, allowing you to fly. Your normal ground movement can be used now in 3 dimensions as you fly through the air as if under the Fly spell. This cannot be used if you are wearing any armor or are encumbered. You do not need any material components, and does not count as a concentration based power. However, if hit with an attack the character must still make a concentration check to remain aloft. You must spend 1 ki point to use this ability, and it remains in effect for 10 minutes. If you fail your concentration check, you fall and must spend another ki point to fly once again.
Beginning at 5th level you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the attack action on your turn.
At 6th level your unarmed strikes are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance, and immunity to non-magical attacks and damage.
At 7th level the character learns how to gather up ki from their environment to supplement their waning supply of ki. Using an action, the character may recover 1d4 ki points while in combat. The ability can be used again an additional number of times that day equal to the character’s CON modifier (no less than 1 time however). The ability, once used up, cannot be used again until a long rest is taken.
At 7th level you gain the same feature as a Monk of the same level.
At 10th level your reflexes are supremely fast. You gain advantage on Initiative rolls, and when allowed a reaction you also have an additional reaction that you may spend.
At 13th level your will and resolve cannot be easily broken or shaken. If exposed to an effect that requires a Will Save that is a Charm, Curse, or Fear effect you have advantage on the saving throw.
At 16th level the character can create an ultimate technique. An ultimate technique is built like a normal technique. This time, up to 7 effects can be applied to this. Each ki point spent with this also adds 1 die of damage to the attack. Thus if you spend 4 ki points on its effects, you gain 4 dice of damage. An ultimate technique requires that a minimum of 4 effects be used with it.
At 18th level the character’s ability to gather ki to supplement their waning supply is improved. Instead of rolling 1d4 you instead roll 1d6.
At level 20 you have awakened a hidden power within you to unleash on your foes. This can be activated as a bonus action, and it lasts a number of rounds equal to your CON modifier plus half of your Martial Warrior level. When activated, the character’s Speed is increased by 10ft, they gain advantage on one attack roll per turn, and all damage that the character deals is increased by +1 die type used. This feature is usable only once per day and is regained after a long rest.
Ki techniques are special attacks that a character can have that are built off of the character’s ki blast or unarmed attack. If a technique has prerequisites you must meet them to learn it/add it. When you gain the ability to use ki techniques you may choose up to four effects to put on one. The technique can be altered/swapped out whenever you gain a level.
The number of techniques you may know is based upon your level (see the chart above). A ki technique must use at least 2 effects of the 4 it has. One effect has no ki cost, (but you cannot use a technique with just one effect), and each one there after increases the cost by 1 (with a max of 3). Some techniques are stand alone, and the ki blast power itself can have some effects gotten to apply to it as time goes on.
Blast Type Effects
These are effects that apply specifically to your ki blast.
Ballistic Blast
When you hit a target with the technique the force of the blast forces the opponent to make a STR save. If they fail the save, they are pushed back 5ft and are knocked prone. The damage of the attack also gains 1 die of bludgeoning type.
Cutter Blast
The blast fired is disk shaped and possesses a cutting edge dealing slashing damage in addition to Force damage. The attack deals an extra 1 die of slashing damage.
Drill Blast
The blast is shaped like a corkscrew and punches through targets. The attack additionally deals +1 die of piercing damage in addition to its normal Force damage. Attacks made drill through a straight line and if an opponent is directly behind the initial target then the attack punches through them and deals half damage to the second target. The attack does 1 additional
Bullet Blast
The blast is a small, compact, shot of ki that sacrifices power for rapid fire attacking. Damage dice are reduced to 1d4, however with your action you can fire a number of attacks equal to your DEX modifier, +1 per 4 character levels. If applying all shots against 1 target you need to only make one attack roll, which is made at advantage. However, if you wish to spread your shots out against multiple targets, then an attack roll is needed against each target. Note that if you apply any form effects to this, that things change a bit. Form effects cannot function if targeting a single opponent, but if trying for multiple opponents you instead make 1 attack roll and compare it to all opponents in the area, the number of shots fired is instead applied as a single pool of dice against all targets in the area. Thus if you can fire 6d4 dice at 4 opponents, you roll the full 6d4 and apply damage against all of them, instead of breaking the dice up for each opponent.
Strike Type Effects
These are effects that apply to the characters unarmed strikes.
Sapping Strike
When you strike an opponent with an unarmed strike you sap the opponent of some of their strength. If you hit an opponent with an unarmed strike deal damage as normal, however in addition to the damage dealt the opponent must make a CON save or they suffer disadvantage on their next attack roll.
Buckling Strike
When you strike an opponent with an unarmed strike the opponent is left stunned. In addition to the damage dealt the opponent must make a CON save, or they are stunned until the start of the characters next turn.
Power Strike
Your hit has enough power to send a foe flying. A successful unarmed attack deals damage plus the target must make a STR save. If they fail the save the target is pushed back a distance equal to your damage roll in feet and end up prone if they fail to make an Acrobatics skill roll to remain on their feet after being pushed back.
Knife and Spear Strike
Your unarmed strike can hit with the cutting power of a blade or the piercing power of a spear. When making an unarmed strike you may choose if you will be making the strike as either the normal bludgeoning strike, or as a slashing strike, or piercing strike. However, you may only use one type at a time.
Form Effects
These are effects that add a form to either your unarmed strike or ki blast. There is a difference however between the two as each have noted rules in how they work. Note that Form Effects can be taken a second time to double the area that they affect.
Line Attack
Your ranged attack is converted into a line affecting a 40ft long line that is 3ft wide, though may reduce the length of the line to make the line wider. Targets within the affected area must make a DEX save for half damage. For melee attacks the line applies to an area of 30ft and you can any opponent adjacent to you as you move down the straight line (you must use your movement). Opponents do not get to take reactions against you while you do this. Make one attack roll and opponents make a DEX Save, those that fail the check take damage. Those that succeed take no damage.
Shaped Attack
Your attack can conform to a particular shape such as a diamond, a squiggly line and so forth that are not a straight line, radius, or cone. This can even be broken up into separate effects. The area available to work with is 30ft. Targets within the affected area must make a DEX save for half damage. For melee attacks the shaped area is one that the character must have enough movement to get around in. Otherwise this functions similar to the melee version of a line.
Radius/Sphere/Cube Blast
Your attack is converted into an explosion affecting a 30ft radius, sphere, or cube. Targets within the affected area must make a DEX save for half damage. Here you are attacking every opponent directly around you, make one attack roll and opponents make a DEX Save. Those that fail the check take damage.
Cylinder/Cone Attack
Requirements: Ki blast only
Your attack is converted into a line affecting a 30ft long cone or cylinder. Targets within the affected area must make a DEX save for half damage.
Enhancement Effects
These are additional enhancements that improve on aspects of what a character can do with techniques.
Charge Attack
Prerequisite: Must be at least level 6
Requirements: Must apply to ki techniques.
You can focus the ki you have in your attack to concentrate it to make it denser and more powerful. On your turn, instead of attacking you can choose instead to “charge” your ki attack. You can still react and move, but you must maintain concentration on this. On your next turn, you can unleash the attack, with no extra ki spent. For each die in the attack already you can add 1 additional die. Note however that once used on a power you cannot use this again until you take a short rest.
Counter Ranged Attack
Requirements: Must be at least level 6. Applies only to your ranged ki attacks. Must spend at least 1 ki point.
You can attempt to counter an incoming ranged attack with your ki blast. If you use your reaction you can fire off a ki blast, or you may use a ranged ki technique attack. You make an attack roll vs. the roll made. If successful, you may use this effect like that of the Monk’s Deflect Arrows Feature. Your damage roll works in the same regard as the die a Monk rolls.
Elemental Change
Prerequisite: Must have 1 blast type technique already known, or 1 strike type technique known.
Instead of dealing Force damage for your blast, or normal bludgeoning damage for your unarmed strike, the type of the attack can be switched over to deal one of the following other types of effects noted below. You can only choose 1 additional effect when this is taken and if taken again applies to a different chosen elemental type. The attacks are not considered magical however.
· Acid: Ki is used to create a corrosive effect similar to acid. The attack requires a DEX save to avoid instead of an attack roll. This can target a single person and affect at least 1 additional target within 5ft of the initial target with splash damage.
· Cold: Ki is used to create a super cold effect chilling the air and contain the super chilled air to be used in an attack. A normal attack roll is made. The target, if hit, takes damage had has its movement reduced by 10ft until the start of your next turn.
· Fire: Ki is used to super heat and ignite the air and contain that fire to be used in an attack. A flammable object hit by the attack ignites if it isn’t being worn or carried.
· Lightning: Ki is used to generate electricity and contain that electrical charge used in an attack. Upon taking damage the target also loses its reactions until the start of its next turn.
· Thunder: Ki is used to create a localized sonic boom upon the target. The attack requires the target to make a CON save to resist taking damage (taking no damage if they succeed). Targets made of stone, crystal, or metal are at a disadvantage to this saving throw. The sound of the attack however can be heard up to 300ft away.
· Radiant: Ki is used to create a brilliant explosion of light and heat. When the target takes damage they are temporarily blinded until the start of your next turn if they fail a CON saving throw.
Improved Base Damage
Requirements: Must be level 6.
You may increase the damage dice rolled for the attack by 2 dice type. The damage dice increase by 1 die every 3 levels after this is gotten.
Tracking Shot
Prerequisite: Must be at least level 6
Requirements: Must use 1 ki point, and must apply to ranged ki attacks.
The tracking shot allows you to make an attack roll that ignores ½ cover and ¾ cover, and total cover so long as the attack has a path to the target and you have the ability to sense the location of the target (in some way). You must make a Perception roll via the Sense Ki Flow technique if the target has total cover in order for you to attempt to use tracking shot to hit them.
Capability Techniques
These are stand-alone techniques that a character may take up that enhance what they can ordinarily do through class features. When combined with a feature they will often cost 2 or more ki. In some cases, the ki cost can be one point, and stands as an exception to the technique rule of needing to cost a minimum of 2 ki points.
Blitz Strike
Requirements: Applies to the use of Flurry of Blows
When using Flurry of Blows you may expend 1 additional point of ki to gain an additional attack that is a part of your flurry of blows.
Flash Step
Prerequisite: Must have Lesser Flash Step, and Greater Step of the Clouds
Requirements: Must use 4 ki points.
You can move instantly from one point to another requiring the opponent to make a Perception roll to know where you have gone to, however you must still be able to freely move through or around the area you wish to go to. If the opponent fails their check, and if you have not attacked yet, you may make your first attack roll with advantage. The speed at which the character moves is 80ft when using this. This can be used while flying, but the speed of this is over ridden by the character’s flight speed.
Greater Step of the Clouds
Prerequisite: Must have Step of the Clouds
When using the Step of the Clouds feature the character’s flight speed is increased by an additional +10ft, and you can dash.
Improved Gather Power
Requirements: Must be level 7
When using the Gather Power feature you may add your WIS modifier or a +1 (whichever is higher) to the die roll for getting back ki.
Lesser Flash Step
Requirements: Must be level 6
You gain a +10ft to your ground speed without a ki expenditure, but you can expend 2ki to double your ground speed until the start of your next turn, but this doesn’t apply to Step of the Clouds.
Physical Advantage
Requirements: Must use 2 ki points.
As an incidental action, you can grant yourself advantage on the next Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution roll you make (saving throw or skill roll). This does not apply to attack rolls or damage.
Sense Ki Flow
Requirements: Must be level 11.
By spending a single ki point, you can sense the flow of ki in the world around you. By reading the flow of ki from an opponent, or your surroundings, you can sense where a person is and generally what they are doing in addition to having a general idea of a places layout. Sensing ki allows you to make a normal Perception roll in darkness, total darkness, or if blinded to move around and fight. You are able to discern one person from another and are at an advantage to Perception rolls for tracking a person via their ki which leaves trails that a skilled user can discern and follow. However, if attempting to find hidden passages or specific objects then the character is at a disadvantage to their Perception roll as specific details in an environment cannot be sensed, only details on a person can. The range of this is 60ft.
Unbridled Focus
Requirements: Applies to the use of Focused Power
Instead of gaining either a +2 to his or a +4 bonus to damage you instead gain advantage on your next attack roll, or you may gain a +8 damage.
Once a Martial Warrior has devoted themselves to their path they begin to develop a style of fighting. There are three ways that a Martial Warrior’s fighting style can develop as one focuses more one aspect of being a martial warrior over that of another. The Martial Warrior needs to choose a fighting art at level 3.
Martial Warriors of the unleashed arts know how to draw out the most of what they can do with their ki allowing their anger to fuel their powers, or to channel their ki to make them stronger or more agile. And those that reach the peak of power can exude their presence to inspire fear in their opponents, and can unleash the true power of their ki in their attacks.
Starting when you choose this fighting art at 3rd level, you know a technique that allows you to convert raw emotion into power. For a single action you may ignore the ki cost for a ki technique that you wish to use. This cannot be used again until you have had a long rest. At level 9 and level 18 you gain an additional use of this ability.
At 6th level you gain the ability to temporarily increase the amount of ki you can draw in from your surroundings to revitalize a yourself. When using the Gather Power feature, you gain +1 ki to what you recover, and you also gain a +1 to all of your attack rolls for 1 minute.
At 11th level you gain the ability to release your aura of power instilling fear in those who see you. As an action, all opponents who can see you must make a WIS save. If they fail the save they are awe struck and in fear of your power and are paralyzed (from fear) until their next turn. If they succeed in their save they are simply fearful of the character and are at disadvantage on attacks made against the character. If a paralyzed target is struck by you, however, they get an additional WIS save, but with advantage to break free. If they fail again they remain paralyzed (and get another roll if hit again) until the start of your next turn. After it is used the power cannot be used again until a short rest is taken.
At 17th level you gain the ability to unleash a powerful and destructive ki blast. This adds an additional 1d6 to damage done per die existing in the attack. If hit, the target must make a DEX save for half damage (if a part of an attack that is a save for no damage this supersedes that roll where if they succeed here they still take damage). Once used this cannot be used again until the character has taken a long rest.
The Martial Warrior has learned to harness their ki to make them faster, more difficult to hit or even see.
At 3rd level you gain a +1 to your AC so long as you have taken a move action on your turn. At 9th level the character can expend 2 ki points while moving to avoid attacks of opportunity as if they had spent an action to disengage from a fight.
At 6th level you develop the ability to release your ki in a powerful ballistic blast that you release at the end of your movement. Each 10ft of movement you take you may expend 1 point of ki for charging. Once you are at the end of your movement, as a bonus action, you can release that pent up ki in a powerful blast doing 1d8 damage per ki point you spend from moving. Anything with in a 10ft radius of the character must make a STR saving throw. If they fail, they are pushed back 10ft per die of damage. If they succeed, then they are knocked prone instead.
At 11th level you can be unstoppable. When exposed to a magical effect that would hamper your movement or restrain you, you are at advantage for any checks you make to resist the effect (this includes being grappled). However, if the effect is magical you may expend a number of ki points equal to the spells level when exposed to it to gain immunity to the effect until the start of your next turn.
At 17th level you can generate a powerful shield that can block any force applied against it. Using an action or a reaction you may expend ki block an attack you have either been hit with or are you know you will be hit with. This shield blocks all damage in a 15ft curved line in front of you and protects any allies (or even enemies) adjacent to your or behind you from the effect (this protects against area of effect attacks, even ones that would normally go around a barrier). You need to expend 1 ki point per die of damage in the attack you wish to negate. If you do not expend enough ki to completely block the attack then the damage that was not blocked shatters the shield and applies normally, along with any other effects that the attack may inflict (should this happen saving throws are made with advantage). The Aegis shield cannot block psychic attacks however.
The martial artist has devoted themselves to a path of making themselves physically more powerful. They can resist more harm than others, become physically stronger, or they can internalize their ki to such a point that they physically gain an immense change in physical size and power.
At 3rd level you are not someone that is easy to keep down. When your HP is reduced to 0, you immediately regain some HP allowing you to stay in the fight longer. As a reaction, when HP is reduced to 0 you can regain a number of HP equal to your CON modifier plus your Martial Warrior level. You also may expend a number of points of ki to recover additional HP. Every 3pts of ki spent allows 1d6 HP to be recovered. Once used this cannot be used again until a long rest has been taken.
At 6th level you have the skill and power to break the weapons, equipment, doors, walls and so on. With an action you can target your attack on an object (whether it is held or stationary, or a structure). If the object is worn or held you make a normal attack roll against the opponents AC. Damage is dealt to the object instead of the person resulting in the object being damaged or broken. Either a melee or ki blast (or ki technique) can be used for this. If targeting a stationary object or structure the Attack roll has advantage against its AC. If the targeted item/structure has a damage threshold then its strength is halved against your attack.
At 11th level your encumbrance limits are increased. Whatever your character’s normal encumbrance limits are, is doubled. You also are not easy to push or knock prone and also have advantage on any rolls to resist these. If no roll is given to resist being pushed or knocked prone then the character automatically resists the effect.
At 17th level you are capable of pumping ki into your body forcing a drastic physical change that makes you resistant to harm, larger and overly more powerful. By spending 8 points of ki you gain the following capabilities for 1 minute (so long as you concentrate). After the power is used it cannot be used again until a long rest is taken, however you can continue to maintain the power by expending an additional 8 ki points (even if your concentration is broken you can immediately expend the ki using your reaction).
· Physical size or bulk increases granting you a resistance to all forms of damage except for psychic, electricity, and sonic based attacks, but weight increases by 50%, and your ground base speed is reduced to 20ft. Your height doubles and you gain reach.
· You deal an additional +1d12 with your melee attacks.
· Your bulk makes you easier to hit, lowering your AC by 1, however you also gain temporary HP equal to your Martial Warrior level x2.
SAIYAN (Revised)
A thirst to fight, to test their abilities and to grow to be the best fighters around, that is what it means to be a Saiyan. The art that is battle and war is something that is ingrained upon their very being and that which does not kill them only makes them stronger. Saiyans enjoy battles like an aristocrat enjoys a fine meal, and each battle hold the promise of something to the Saiyans liking.
Brash and hot headed, Saiyans are known as elite warriors with not only a bottomless appetite for battle but a bottomless appetite in general as well. They stand in at the same height as a human, and bear the same resemblances as humans to a degree, but with a few minor differences. First all Saiyans, even those that appear to be fat, are incredibly muscular. Second of all nearly all Saiyans have black or extremely dark brown hair (to the point of being black). Some Saiyans do possess blonde, or red hair but this is often an extremely rare genetic trait. Another oddity of their hair is that at a young age their hair grows and stays at one length staying the proportionate length for the Saiyans entire life. Their hair is also very bristly and stands at unique angles and patterns having more in common with fur than normal hair. Finally the aspect that makes a Saiyan stand out is the monkey like tail they possess.
Their skin tone is always light in complexion, though they can tan. There is little martial difference between male and female Saiyans, and general physical differences do not exist like there are with some races. One thing is for sure is that a Saiyan is often ruled by their emotions and if their fury is ever incurred they are a force to be reckoned with. But what truly makes a Saiyan fierce is their ability to assume the Oozaru form, a form like that of a giant ape that amplifies the fighting capability of the Saiyan.
Saiyans live a life span similar to humans, but they retain their peak fighting capabilities well beyond that of any other race. As such a Saiyan could be in their 60’s but still retain their peak fighting potential as if they were still in their mid-twenties. Aside from this a Saiyan ages at a similar rate as a human, though it is not clearly evident as they do not typically begin to show signs of old age until their 60’s.
Saiyans are highly resilient as they are used to living in harsh environments and living through not only difficult training regime but also participating in battles at young ages; all of this as a means of making a stronger Saiyan. As such Siayans tend to employ a degree of eugenics into who they choose to breed with. Beauty of a partner is a factor, but so is their martial potential. For some Saiyans the attractiveness of one’s partner is enough, for others it might also apply to their personality, but for most it is about martial potential.
Finally there is something about the Saiyans that frightens people, a power that only they possess. They call it the Oozaru form. A powerful form that a Siayan can assume under the right conditions to grant themselves immense power, but often at the cost of their ability to rationalize.
Saiyans thrive in places where others would not and they see these lands as an applicable place where they may not just live, but train as well. They welcome other races into their lands often so that they may avoid having to learn jobs that do not involve fighting. In exchange for this Saiyans offer their protection to those who live in their lands and live by their laws. And those that choose to live like this are given a degree of respect as they too have chosen to live a difficult life in a place often not meant for it.
The king of the Saiyans, is often the one who is not just of royal blood, but is also the one considered the strongest of their race. The first born son of the ruling family is always given the name of the father, Vegeta, so as to ensure that there is always a King Vegeta in power. This has led to many outsiders often speculating that the king of the Saiyans is immortal.
Saiyans in other lands however are seen as nothing more than soldiers, mercenaries, or bodyguards. They can be fiercely loyal to those whom earn their respect and trust.
The adventuring life is something that calls to many Saiyans as a means of learning new ways to fight as well as finding new battles by which one can become embroiled in. However some Saiyans may adventure for other reasons such as to learn about legendary warriors, or possibly to seek revenge on someone whom has wronged their people. In other cases a Saiyan may adventure for the same reason as anyone else, for fame and fortune.
Saiyans are named by their parents like any human child would be. However Saiyans do not possess clan names or surnames. They typically possess a single first name. In some cases a Saiyan may take on more common names used by other races as they live their lives and explore the world. For the most part a Saiyan’s name is a pun of a type of vegetable (or vegetable based dish), a miss pronunciation, or other similar means of creating a name. For female names the vegetable name is punned and often given a more feminine sound to it. The name Vegeta however is forbidden to be used outside of the royal family and its application without permission can result in imprisonment or even death.
· Male Names: Kakarot, Vegeta, Napa, Turles, Raditz
· Female Names: Kakarotia, Napai, Turlesee, Raditzia
Your Saiyan character
has an assortment of inborn abilities, part and parcel of their nature.
NOTE: The write up for this race is to make it work in D&D 5th Edition
and as such many aspects of what makes a Saiyan have been toned down and
changed to better work with D&D; so don’t expect to see a 50ft tall giant
Score Increase: +2 STR, +2 CON
Age: Saiyans age and mature at the same rate
as human children, though they learn to fight as soon as they are physically
capable of doing so. Saiyans enter adult hood often at the age of 16 and
can live to be as old as a human can potentially, which is anywhere around 100
to 120years of age. However, Saiyan’s retain their physical prime well beyond
that of any other race when reaching old ages.
Alignment: Saiyans are as varied in their alignment
as humans. Saiyans do tend to have some sense of honor and fair play, but
this is not a staple for all Saiyans as some also act as nothing more than
rabid dogs.
· Size: Saiyans are the same size as humans,
standing in between 5 foot and just over 6 feet tall.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Zenkai: Saiyans are better than most at surviving
brushes with death, as well as recovering from actually dying. This capability of surviving lends to a Saiyan’s
ability to evolve. When the character
succeeds on any of their Save’s vs. Death rolls, the character earns a Zenkai
bonus. After surviving death and
recovering some of their health (through some means or another) the character’s
Zenkai kicks in. For a 24hr time frame
the character gains a +1 to attack rolls, +2 to damage, they may reduce damage
taken by 2 points. The most powerful
aspect of this is that a Saiyan gains a permanent benefit any time they recover
from the point of death. Whenever this
happens a Saiyan permanently may increase their HP by a number of points equal
to their CON modifier or 1 (whichever is bigger).
Form: Saiyans are capable
of assuming a transformation known as the Oozaru form (or Great Ape). This form’s use is limited to certain
circumstances. First, a Saiyan must be
able to look at a full moon, (even the illusion of a full moon can work for
this). It takes them an action to
transform, and the Saiyan has NO CONTROL over this! Their size increases to being like that of a
Large Sized creature (occupying a 10ftx10ft area). They gain temporary HP equal to the number of
hit dice the character currently has. Their
STR score increases to 25. They also
gain Reach 2, and can make an unarmed attack that does 1d6 damage. They have advantage on Perception rolls due to
massively heightened senses. Once
transformed the character must make a WIS save vs. DC 15. If they succeed the character will not attack
any of their allies. If they fail,
however, the character goes on a berserker rampage, attacking anything that moves. The transformation can be reversed in one of
a few ways. The first is to wait for
sunrise. The other method is to cut the
Saiyan’s tail off. While in this form
they cannot use an feature, spell, power that requires concentration.
Tail: A Saiyan’s tail is a source of strength, and
a weakness for a Saiyan. As long as the
Saiyan has their tail they can transform into the Oozaru (if it is cut off they
cannot transform again). Cutting off the
tail requires a deliberate attack against it (which can be done if the
character is in the Oozaru form). If the
character is grappled, a specific attack must be made to grab the tail. If the tail is held and squeezed it has a
profound effect on the Saiyan, rendering them paralyzed if they fail a CON save
against a difficulty of 15.
Tail: Its ever a problem
for a Saiyan to lose their tail. Once
removed the tail will not typically regrow on its own. It will even resist regrowing from
healing. For a tail to regrow the Saiyan
must be in a situation where they can gain a Zenkai. Instead gaining the permanent HP gain, the
Saiyan may instead elect to have their tail regrow. When the tail is initially removed the Saiyan
is at disadvantage on all DEX skill rolls, and saving throws until a long rest
can be taken. Once a long rest is taken
the Saiyan no longer has disadvantage on their DEX skill rolls and saves.
· Saiyan
Rage: Saiyans can become
quite enraged, so much so that their rage gives them power, not unlike a
Barbarian. A rage can be entered once
per day (recovered after a long rest).
The character gains a +2 to all damage dealt, speed +10ft, +1 AC. While enraged the character cannot use
anything that requires concentration, but can still cast spells. The rage lasts until the end of the
character’s next turn.
Evolution – Super Saiyan: A
Saiyan’s rage can be pushed beyond a breaking point if the Saiyan finds
themselves in a position where their rage is at its peak (in other words this
would be a moment when the character would legitimately likely be
enraged). This Super Saiyan form cannot
be attained unless the character reaches a certain level of power (level 6). At level 6 the Saiyan can unlock the first
stage of the Super Saiyan transformation.
This grants the character a +1 to all attack rolls, and +2 damage,
(stacking with that from Saiyan Rage if it’s used). And they gain a +2 bonus on
STR, and DEX skill rolls and saving throws.
The transformation is concentration based. In this form the character’s hair stands on
end, glowing with a golden inner light.
Their muscle mass seems to increase slightly as well. Finally, their eyes are an intense green
color. After the form is used it can
freely be reentered but concentration must be maintained in order to keep up
the form (unless other wise stated).
Saiyan 2: This is an improved
version of the original Super Saiyan form.
When the character reaches level 10 they unlock this capability. In addition to the benefits of the Super
Saiyan form, this form adds the following:
speed +10ft, +1 AC. In this form
the character’s hair stands up far straighter than before and static
electricity is visibly crackling along the character’s body.
Saiyan 3: At level 14 the character’s Super Saiyan form undergoes
another upgrade. At this stage the
character not only has the benefits of SS1 & SS2 forms. In this form the character gains +2 to all
damage rolls, and resistance to damage types slashing, piercing, and
bludgeoning damage. In this form the
character’s hair triples in length and they take on a more Neanderthal like
appearance (including a sloped eye ridge, devoid of their eyebrows).
Saiyan God: This
form is one that can only be attained under limited conditions. First off the character must be level
18. Second, the character needs the
assistance of five other Saiyans who can perform a simple ritual with
them. These Saiyans stand in a circle
around them and channel their will into the person who is the focal point of
this (DC 15 WIS check). After a few
minutes the character will be able to ascend to the Super Saiyan God form. Their hair turns red, and they actually seem
to lose muscle mass. Once attained the
form will last 5 minutes and a long rest must be taken before it can be used
again. In this form the character takes
on some god-like aspects, gaining resistance to psychic damage, poison, and
immunity to charms, and fear. In place
of their normal speed they can teleport as a move action if they desire to (up
to 80ft). Also each time the character
attacks they gain a +2 to all damage they do if the attack lands (it does get
progressively larger). They also gain
all the benefits of the previous Super Saiyan forms.
o Super Saiyan Blue (Super Saiyan God Super
Saiyan): This form is only attained once the Super
Saiyan God form is achieved. In this
form the character has all the benefits of all 3 previous Super Saiyan forms,
but the appearance is like that of the first Super Saiyan form, only with blue
hair. The character is immune to fear,
and gains a +3 to all damage they do.
The Saiyan can still choose to assume one of the other Super Saiyan
Forms. This form is also tiring on the
user, and when the character exits out of it they are temporarily
fatigued. This fatigue lasts until a
short rest can be taken. The character
can re-enter the SSB form regardless of this, but doing so pushes them to being
exhausted when they leave it, and keeps it up every time they reenter the form. The character still needs a short rest to
recover from the first condition, but if exhausted the character needs a long
The species known as
Namekians are a people possessing a singular male-like physical structure, and
reproduce a-sexually via spontaneous creation of an egg. Namekians are very robust and hardy,
possessing an incredible resistance to harm, as well as heightened healing
capabilities that lend to an extreme longevity.
Nameks are normal sized,
but tend to vary in height to being like that of a dwarf, or like that of a
human, except that all Namekians tend to be broad shouldered, or very stalky. Their skin is green with certain muscle
groups having pink ribbed sections, and they possess short antenna on their
head. Not inherently a violent people,
Namekians, are born into a caste-like society with some settling into the role
of a warrior, or that of a sage. For
Nameks, the warrior caste are individuals who have dedicated themselves toward
any number of fighting arts. For those
who are sages, the Namek is often learned in the ways of magic and scholarly
Namekians are not
inherently prone to violence, they tend to prefer quite lives of farming and
scholarly pursuits. And while they may
not be prone to violence, Namekians are incredibly skilled at fighting when it
comes down to it. Their long life spans
grant them many opportunities to find the tranquility that they desire. However, many often seek them out for their
unique knowledge and capabilities. These
capabilities include the rare ability to craft 7 magic artifacts known as the
dragon balls. Some also possess another
rare ability to bring out the hidden potential of people.
Namekians possess a
unique physiology in that they do not need food to survive, instead they
exclusively drink water for their nutritional needs. Namekians can eat food if they so desire, but
they gain no actual sustenance from it.
Their bodies are also so efficient in what they do that a Namekian
produces no body waste. Because of their
robust physiology, Namekians can survive nearly anywhere, so long as they have
Namekians tend to make adobe style homes, and often opt for a minimalist
lifestyle, acquiring only what they need.
Gardening and farming is a shared passion of all Namekians. It is an oddity since they do not typically
eat food, but they do often grow food that is a water rich food like lettuce. Namekians often build small colonies near
water sources, with each colony only consisting of a few dozen Namekians.
The adventuring life is
not a typical calling for a Namekian.
Those that do take up the life of adventure, often do so out of a desire
to test their capabilities against different opponents so that they can return
to their colony and provide it greater protection than others. For the most part, Namekians are polite, and
try to get along with travelers that they come across, but some Nameks are
changed by their journey, with some opting for a more violent life, or a life
of domination that they never knew existed.
Namekian names are often
puns on different names for snails, or they have names based on musical
Your Namekian character
has an assortment of inborn abilities, part and parcel of their nature.
NOTE: The write up for this race is to make it work in D&D 5th Edition
and as such many aspects of what makes a Namekian have been toned down and changed
to better work with D&D.
Score Increase: This is dependent
upon the caste the Namek is a part of:
Warrior: Apply two, +2 bonuses to either STR, DEX, or
CON (you cannot stack these on one ability).
Sage: Apply two, +2 bonuses to either INT, WIS, or
CHA (you cannot stack these on one ability).
Age: Namekians can live immensely long lives,
well past 1,000 years. It is only at the
extreme levels of aging that a Namekian’s normal wrinkles seem to gain and
their appearance is akin to that of an older person.
Alignment: Namekians are as varied in their
alignment as humans. Most Namekians tend to be Neutral Good, but their
personalities do vary as much as anyones.
Size: Namekian warriors are the same size as
humans, standing in between 5 foot and just over 6 feet tall. Namekian sages however tend to be shorter,
often standing between 4ft, and 5ft in height.
Speed: Your base walking speed is 30ft.
Immunity: Namekians are immune to all forms of poison
and toxins.
Hearing: Namekians possess an incredible sense of
hearing. The range at which they can
hear conversations is 3x what it would normally be. They also have advantage on Perception skill
rolls that are hearing related.
the Land: Namekians have a natural skill for farming. The character is proficient in all farming
tools, and has advantage on Nature skill rolls made in regards to farming.
Namekians are of one caste or another, (determined by your ability score
Warrior: Namekians of the Warrior
Caste gain the following benefits.
§ Stretching: Namekian
warriors can stretch limb of their body out from their torso in a snake-like
way. The character may, as part of a
single action, make an attack with “reach”.
The maximum length is equal to the characters CON modifier x5ft. The character can grapple in this manner as
well, but limbs stretched out do draw attacks of opportunity from adjacent
opponents that they would pass by.
§ Focused
Regeneration: Namekian warriors can instantaneously heal
damage they receive in the middle of combat.
The Namek may roll their Hit Dice for healing during combat, and a
single Hit Die can be used to restore a lost limb (or other body part)
instantly. When rolling hit dice, or if
receiving any other form of healing, Namekians may add their CON modifier (or
1, whichever is higher) to the die roll.
§ Boost
Size: Namekian warriors can increase their size by
one step once they reach level 5. This
allows them to occupy a 10ftx10ft area.
They have reach, and gain +10ft of speed. They have advantage on applicable rolls where
their size would be advantageous. At
level 10, 15, and 20 this benefits of this double for each step. However, the larger size makes it easier to
hit you, and thus opponents are at advantage to attacks against you. At level 15 you have resistance to slashing,
bludgeoning, and piercing attacks that are not magical, while at the 3rd
size stage or bigger.
Sage: Namekians of the Sage
Caste gain the following benefits.
§ Lay
on Hands: Namekians possess the same ability as that of
the Paladin class. They may use this
whenever a Paladin would, and its benefits essentially double what a Paladin would
have if the class is taken. However, the
Namekian’s version cannot be used on themselves, only others.
§ Unlock
Potential: Namekians possess the ability to temporarily,
or permanently draw out the latent potential of others. The use of this requires that you must be
able to touch the target of it’s effects.
On a temporary level, the Namekian can grant a number of individuals
equal to their WIS modifier (or 1, whichever is greater), a +2 to attack rolls,
or skill rolls. The effect lasts for 5
minutes, and a short rest must be taken before this can be used again (you have
enough time when using this to touch all the people that will benefit from it,
before a short rest is needed to recover the ability). To permanently unlock a person’s hidden potential,
the Namekian must be level 15. When used
on a person, the target gains +1 hit die, and may know either 1 cantrip (from
the wizard or cleric list), or they may gain 1 class feature from a class they
do not possess that is not a spell casting class, and the feature must be a 1st
level feature. Unlocking potential can
only be done once on a person (temporary boosts can be done multiple
times). Each time you permanently unlock
potential, reduce your HP by the target’s level. This reduction lasts until you gain a level,
or a wish spell is used to remove the effect.

§ The
Dragon Balls: To create an artifact is no easy feat, and
the 7 perfect orbs that are the dragon balls are no exception. The requirements for creating these is not
simple. First, the character must be
level 20. Second of all the character
must create 7 perfect orbs out of stone.
The cost is actually negligible as it can take years to make 7 perfectly
round and smooth orbs from stone. No magic
can be used to shape the orbs, they must all be created by hand. After this the Namekian infuses the orbs with
magical energies, uttering an incantation as they do so. When this succeeds the orbs glow and blast
off into the sky, scattering across the world in seven directions. Locating the orbs is no small feat in itself,
and each glows more intently the closer one draws to another of their
pairing. When all 7 are gathered, a
unique dragon is summoned worth, capable of granting between 1 and 3 “perfect”
wishes. The creator rolls 1d6 when in the final process, if a 1-2 is roll the
dragon balls grant only 1 wish. If 3-4
is rolled its 2 wishes, and if a 5-6 is gotten then 3 wishes can be granted. Note that if the creator is ever killed, the
dragon balls lose their power and become nothing more than ordinary
stones. Additionally, after the dragon
has been summoned the dragon balls cannot be gathered again for an entire year.