A level 1 item will be common, while a level 20 would be virtually impossible to find.
But I want a bit more from my weapons. In fantasy settings, any blacksmith can forge weapons, armor, and if a wizard is handy in the town, some enchantments can go with them.
The same thought process applies to other gear that a character can have. So where does one begin with this?
Now the book doesn't really state the names of any weapons manufacturers. One exception being Arabani Arms Ltd. So how about we expand a bit on these and how they factor into the whole of Starfinder. For this, I'm going to create around 3 companies that will deal with weapons and armor. Though I am going to expand on Arabani Arms Ltd. for a 4th write up.
--Arabani Arms Ltd.--
Let's start with the one in the book. An illegitimate business run by the drow that, as the book states, specializes in weapon trafficking. So how should we look at this? Arabani Arms is a black market arms company. You can get any weapon in the book though them, though with an upmark in the cost one would pay if you were to go through a more legitimate company.
Arabani Arms holds a monopoly on the black market arms trade and will either buy out, or violently run out any form of competition that may crop up.
Their weapons are untraceable, in terms of markings, and are in good condition. Cost markup is generally between a 50 to 200% increase. The more exotic the weapon, the higher the cost of course. These weapons can still be traced via magical means, though for an extra fee, one could by a potion that you use pour over the weapon that scrubs the history of the weapon clean, keeping any form of scrying from reading the history of a weapon.
The company typically operates on a cellular level. That is to say, to protect the governing body of the company, individual "outlets" or "cells" tend to function autonomously under the banner of the company. They have access to a supplier, but aren't privy to the actions of the supplier, or the companies upper management.
How to Limit Gear: Arabani Arms can get anything for a price. Typically, gear on hand for distributors is between levels 1 and 10. Anything higher in level requires more work to obtain, and draws that much more scrutiny on the local operation.
If a character's level compared to level sets the length of time needed to get the item. For items leveled 1-10, its days. For items above level 10 it gets into weeks. The cost markup for levels 1 to 10 will have a 50% to 100% markup, 11 to 20 will see a 100% to 200% markup.
Other things that can be done to limit a group from buying a weapon above their level is the scrutiny that comes with buying a powerful weapon. Law enforcement agencies tend to keep an eye out for certain weapons, and may need owners to have proper licensing for them. Rival black market sellers, or gangs (and other criminals) may catch wind of the buy and try to steal the weapon. Arabani Arms may even simply decide to not sell the weapon to the PC's even if they have the credits for it (you could chalk it up to reputation or lack thereof).
Note that Arabani is not above making counterfeit weapons and equipment from other sellers. These are often cheaper, but they are also of lower quality than the original versions.
--Star Forge Inc.--
There are few arguments against the craftsmanship of Dwarves, and Star Forge Inc. has continued the tradition of dwarven craftsmanship well into the present. Star Forge specializes in the creating of more traditional melee styled weapons, both classical hand forged blades as well as more hightech variations of the classical analog weapons of old. One of their more popular blades are those in the Starknife series. Star Forge also crafts traditional suits of armor as well as plating for more modern armors.
Their focus on simple melee weapons may have been looked at as a hindrance to the companies growth, however, investors soon found that while firearms were still a good sell with other companies, people were just as eager to buy up melee weapons as they were often a more practical to use in confined spaces. Moreover, many planetary agencies had less problems with people carrying melee weapons.
Star Forge employs many people across most worlds. They have a monopoly on their particular form of business. Most of their high tech weapons are turned out in mass production, but they take pride in that their analog weapons are all still hand made. The company does take special orders, and will craft, to the best of their ability, the weapon requested of them.
Star Forge's main employee base are Dwarves of course, but many other races find employment with them as well. Employees often think the company is a fun place to work, and they often employ Starfinders to explore for, or acquire resources at times (generally to fill VIP client special orders).
How to Limit Gear: Star Forge Inc. holds a monopoly on melee weapons, but don't feel that they buy out or crush competition, their just the biggest kid on the block and tend to make life tough on other melee weapon businesses since they own the patents on all melee weapon crafting plans. In this way, smaller businesses have to pay for the patents in order to craft and sell their wares.
Store fronts will often carry weapons ranging from Level 1 to level 5. Weapons of level 6 to 10 are typically special order items that can be ordered in store, but aren't on display. Levels 11 to 15 weapons are often part of a limited production run. The company only ever produces so many of these, so acquiring these weapons is based upon the limits of products on hand, or locating such weapons that are already in the hands of others.
Levels 16 to 20 are specialty items, requiring ordering directly from the company headquarters as they are made-to-order, and are what one would call a "secret" menu item. There are fewer of these out in the world than others due to the nature in how they are made/ordered. Typically people don't know about these items, and only upper management knows of these items. Occasionally for certain clients they will let drop how one can order these weapons.
Star Forge will also perform weapon fusions for a small fee at any store.
--Gallant Arms Ltd.--
While Star Forge may be a monopoly, they still have some competition from Gallant Arms. The company has a more limited brand, but at the same time they also make more than just melee weapons. They make an array of melee and ranged weapons, but stay away from body armor. As such they typically have more resources and manpower to put into creating higher quality weapons.
With a limited focus on products to give higher quality, Gallant Arms is able to charge slightly more for their products than other companies. Star Forge has tried in the past to buy out Gallant Arms, but have been met with failure after failure in doing so. Gallant Arms has also successfully sued Star Forge for theft, corporate espionage, and a number of other corporate crimes. What is not known is the gift of a god upon Gallant Arms. Because they have good business practices, uphold their contracts, and treat both their employees and customers well, they earned the gods favor. This translates into protection of the company in a number of different ways.
The employee's of Gallant Arms are very diverse, and most employees that work for the company rarely quit.
How to Limit Gear: Gallant Arms makes only levels 1-8 weapons. However, their weapons are of higher quality than other weapons. As such, their weapons are treated as if being 1 level higher for determining their durability, as well as giving a +1 to attack rolls due to superior craftsmanship.
Higher level gear can be special ordered, but are limited up to level 14, but it takes its level in days x2 to make. The cost for their products is typically 15% higher than other makers, but your buying quality. Their stores are as diversely populated across planets like that of Star Forge.
--Element Ltd.--
A specialty arms manufacturer, they focus on creating weapons with an elemental type (Cryo, Flame, Plasma, Shock, Sonic). Element is smaller than either Star Forge, or Gallant, and they take pride in their specialty weapons. They do not have stores and their business is focused on specialty orders. Each of their weapons is made to order and typically, requesters can choose one of three levels of interaction for their orders.
A simple order (silver level) will get the orderer a normal elemental type weapon, though casings can be customized in terms of coloring, fonts for any lettering, engravings, and so forth. The next order type (gold level) requires one to meet up with a customer service rep to get scans of them. This service costs an extra 1000 credits, but is often seen worth it as the weapon made has comfort built into it, making it comfortable to use for the customer, but not so much for anyone else (the user gets a +1 to attack rolls, but anyone else using the weapon suffers a -1). The final level of service (platinum level) is a full gambit of addons. Gene locks ensure that only the orderer can use the weapon, custom fitting and casings, as well as a slight power increase as well, allowing the weapon to do a little more damage (+2).
How to Limit Gear: Element Ltd requires their weapons to be ordered, thus taking time to make and get to the person. Assuming there are few customizations, the weapon takes only its level in days to be made, then it has to be sent to the user (which can take a bit longer). Silver level weapons are really nothing special, only that you can choose to have the outer casing specialized for free with different looks including engravings and decals. Gold level sees a 15% increase in cost, in addition to paying 1000 credits for the scanning service. Platinum level starts with the same scanning service, but over all cost is 25% higher than normal for all customizations.
The downside of the weapons is that their durability is treated as if being 1 level lower than normal, if the weapon takes any damage.
--Omega Tactical Inc.--
If there was one company that does it all and offers their products in all outlets that aren't owned by the bigger names, its Omega Tactical. The final word in weapons and armor, or so their slogan says. They make it all, though like the other companies, they leave the bigger, more expensive guns and armor for special orders. Omega Tactical is also into providing combat ready cybernetics, and other more general equipment.
Omega Tactical has the average range of prices for all their goods. In terms of corporate ethics, they are about the same as any other company. They look after their bottom line, treat employees like employees, and tend to get embroiled in controversy.
How to Limit Gear: Omega Tactical sends gear leveled 1 through 12 to stores. They aren't limited to simply weapons, but include armor and all other items. Anything higher in level needs to be specially ordered, and takes quite the length of time to acquire (level x3 in weeks).
--4.2 Tac-Defense Inc.--
Specializing in everyday tactically inspired, functional, clothing and actual combat ready gear, 4.2 Tac-Defense is a unique outfitter that doesn't just make clothing for everyday use, but uniforms and gear for use by people who need to gear up for an adventure or combat situation. Law enforcement agencies, security companies, and so forth like to make use of 4.2 Tac-Defense's top of the line gear for outfitting their people.
Gear that they make includes bags/backpacks, clothing, tactical harnesses, holsters, slings, survival gear, uniforms, boots/shoes, and body armor. Their gear is high quality, durable, but typically slightly more expensive than what other manufacturers put out.
How to Limit Gear: 4.2 Tac-Defense has their own specialty stores in addition to what they put into more public outlets. For normal outlets, the company will typically sell their clothing, bags, and what you would consider "easy to find" gear. Level wise this is made up of equipment leveled 1-3. Body armor that could be sold in this way is limited to levels 1-2. At their own specialty outlets, clothing can be specially fitted for the wearer, along with body armor as they have equipment to make alterations.
In store, levels 1-8 are typically on display and readily available. Higher level pieces of equipment can be ordered, and will be delivered to the store where they can be altered for the user's needs. The company does have some limits on gear based upon planetary limits on what is allowed to be sold. Thus if a planet considers a particular suit of armor illegal to own, the company won't sell or allow it to be ordered in their outlet on that planet.
Price for gear is generally between a 5% to 10% increase over what is in the book, but because of this, their gear is typically better made and has its durability being 1 level higher than what is normally figured. In addition to this, armor can be custom fitted to the user. This means that if anyone but the user wears the armor they suffer double the Armor check penalty (if there is no penalty then it gives a -1 penalty).
(And yes, this particular business is inspire by 5.11 Tactical. I like their clothing, and gear, so I see no problem basing a fictional business for the game after them. They're not paying me or anything, I just like that their clothing is durable, useful, and they got some good gear that you can get.)
This is all that I'm going to do for now with companies as I think this is enough for the time being.
Now there are a number of adventure hooks that you can create for these companies that could allow players to acquire higher ratted gear as a reward.
Below are a few adventure hooks that you all can use that will put your players into contact with any of the companies you want. Keep in mind that some adventure hooks can't really apply to all companies. A morally upstanding company won't necessarily engage in corporate espionage unless they are the victim and need an outside source to recover what was stolen.
--Adventure Hooks--
- Espionage: Your crew is contracted to acquire a prototype of some sort from your contracted companies competitor. This can be to anything that the GM wants, including an extoic weapon or peice of equipment not listed in the book. The PC's aren't expected to keep the item, or plans for it, so if they do there could be repercussions for doing so.
- Rare Materials: A company wants to put your crew under contract to acquire certain difficult, or rare to find materials. The materials are either in the possession of someone else, or are in a difficult or dangerous place where a group of adventurers are best suited for dealing with.
- Favor for Payment: You want something, or somethings from a company. However since your low on funds, their willing to give you what you want in exchange for a favor. Do a job for them, earn a bit of pay or the item(s) you seek.
- Hostile Takeover: You come across a shop that is hurting in a bad way, and its not for lack of business. Someone wants them out and they are none to shy about the term "hostile" being used in the most literal sense.
- Trade War: Someone, somewhere, just set a couple of companies against each other. It's not just attempts to buy out a company, but to destroy/capture assets which will inturn affect stock prices. But remember, one company has a god behind them, and hostile takeovers have failed in the past.
Well that's all for now! Because someone on Twitter mentioned it, my next project will be a Vampire Hunter based character class. But should I do one for D&D, or one for Starfinder, or both?
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