One of the first films I remember seeing as a child was Star Wars. I was born in 1979 and the original film had a knack, back in those days, for staying in theaters. While some may think me crazy, my mother was surprised that I remembered that they had taken me with them to see the first film. As the next two films came out I became enamored with that universe, and its characters. As I grew I began to see the characters I loved in different ways than I had as a child. Luke was of course the hero, the main character, but he also had his flaws. Han was flawed from the start, but each movie polished those flaws out turning a scoundrel into a hero. And then there was Leia, who never really changed and was ever the pillar that held up Luke and Han.
She was a princess, but not once was she ever the damsel in distress that leaned upon the men who came to save and then fight next to her. Leia was her own hero. She would save herself if given half the opportunity. The tale of the princess always needing to be rescued is as old as they come. Disney, of course, further established this line of storytelling well before they acquired the Star Wars property. Leia was strong, confident, and hard headed - not the traits common for a princess. But these were traits that would eventually come to inspire other princesses.
Of course, I shouldn't overlook the fact that she has been more than a princess. Carrie was an accomplished actress who played the estranged and angry fiance to John Belushi's "Jake Blues" (The Blues Brothers). But here also we got to see that same strength of character put into this role. She didn't speak at all up until the very end when Jake took off his sunglasses and looked at her with his blue eyes that briefly extinguished the desire to kill him.
Her roles have continued through the years, amidst the highs and lows of her personal life. She also found time to write books such as Postcards from the Edge, and The Princess Diarist. Many of her early works, starting with Postcards, were a semi-autobiographical in that much of Carrie's own life influenced her work.
Carrie Fisher embodied many of the traits of her various fictional counterparts. That isn't to say that she didn't have her own flaws, something she was keen to bring to light for everyone to know about. As a Star Wars fan I know of only of those she made public. But her flaws didn't define her, it was through her own actions.
Like Leia, she to fought a war, but this was against bipolar disorder and substance abuse. Already an inspirational fictional character, she became a source of inspiration for many women and men suffering from either problem. Carrie was every outspoken about her ordeals, and an advocate for others. While she clearly suffered through these moments of her life, she ultimately seemed to win out and gained strength from her accomplishments.
And there is much more one could say, but such words are best left for those who actually knew her best. In closing - we will miss her.
Carrie Fisher drowned in moonlight, strangled by her own bra, 12/27/2016. This happened because there is no underwear in space and she was a woman who truly was out of this world.
In an unfortunate twist to the finale for the tale of this woman's life; her mother, Debbie Reynolds, has also passed away (12/28/2016).
Welcome to my little corner of the web. So what's this all about? Its about gaming, video games, and table top RPG's. I'm going to chat on here about the games I play as well as anything else that may catch my interest that I want to share with others including conversions I may have made, or unique creations I have made.
What its all about...
As a fan of table top Role Playing Games, and Video Games, not to mention anime I once had a web site that I devoted to creating conversions of the things I liked to a particular game system or another.
Well I'm back and its time to get back to posting and talking about the things I like with others.
Video Games: I will be trying to write reviews for games I play and may even work out conversions of games to table top RPG's for gamers to enjoy, or at least I will give a guiding hand rather than doing all the work myself. Unfortunately the only game system I own is an X-Box 360, and my computer which kind of limits what I can do. Unless some kind soul wants to buy me an X-Box One. :)
Table Top RPG's: I play a few different table top games along with my friends. Sometimes I will write about a game system I have read up on or tried out, and may write up a conversion for agame system. Game systems I typically play are - Hero System (Champions, Fantasy Hero); Star Wars (Fantasy Flight Version, Saga Edition); Savage Worlds, D&D (3.5 Edition, 5th Edition); Pathfinder, and possibly others in the future.
But I look forward to providing folks with some entertainment and to get some discussions going on things I may post (but please keep it civil).
Also please feel free to click on any ads that are on my blog here, doing so really helps me out.
Wednesday, December 28, 2016
Saturday, December 17, 2016
My College Essay - The Growing Acceptance of Tabletop Gaming
For my final in my Writing 121 class we were instructed to write on a topic of interest that involved a "cultural shift". As a gamer I've noticed that there has been a change in people's opinions regarding tabletop gaming. In this essay I outline my thoughts and I hope you folks enjoy the read.
Oh and my final grade for the class was an "A". Overall for this semester I got an "A" in Math 20 as well. Not bad, and I'm likely on the President's list again this semester too. We'll see about next semester.
Just a couple of notes on the essay assignment itself, as some folks mentioned to me on Facebook.
PCC College Essay By: Sean Ropp (me)
Ten years ago if I asked
a different people around me if they knew what a tabletop game was they might
say Monopoly, or Poker. These days if I
mention it the response might be about games like Cards Against Humanity, Hero
Clicks, Dungeons & Dragons, Star Wars, Munchkin, or Doom the Board
Game. Will I be chided, told such
games are for children and shut-in teens?
Nope, in fact I may be asked whether or not a certain game is fun, or
how it’s played. The world of the
tabletop gamer has changed, and we gamers are seeing something of a renaissance
– a shift in the cultural acceptance of tabletop games. They are becoming mainstream and accepted by
people of all types. But how did
tabletop gaming become popular?
Oh and my final grade for the class was an "A". Overall for this semester I got an "A" in Math 20 as well. Not bad, and I'm likely on the President's list again this semester too. We'll see about next semester.
Just a couple of notes on the essay assignment itself, as some folks mentioned to me on Facebook.
- The essay was limited to 5 pages, with a 6th page dedicated for the Works Cited.
- The tone is meant to be casual as it's meant to be in my own voice. The class was online, so this added to the casual nature of the class itself.
- Yes I know that there are other outlets for tabletop gaming like Roll 20...however not everyone knows this. With limited room I kept my example of online tabletop gaming to something a non-gamer would know about, namely Skype. Given more room to write I would certainly have mentioned Roll 20 or another tabletop simulation program.
PCC College Essay By: Sean Ropp (me)
Growing Acceptance of Tabletop Gaming
Once a hobby looked upon as something kids, or outcast
youths enjoyed, it’s only been in recent years that it has suddenly seen a
surge in popularity that didn’t exist five years ago. My first point of interest for this is actor,
Wil Wheaton, whom is known for his role as Wesley
Crusher on Star Trek: The Next
Generation. While his acting chops
are well known, its less known that Wil is an avid tabletop gamer. He is, in fact, a part of a YouTube series called Tabletop where he is the host and plays
an array of tabletop games. In an
interview with, Wil was
asked “how have you seen the power of YouTube have a direct correlation on
sales of tabletop games?” Wil expressed
surprise at how the series resulted in them getting phone calls from game shop
owners and publishers who were “not prepared for the explosion of sales that
they had.” (, Wil Wheaton’s Game Theory)
Our celebrities are big focal point for our culture, we
often look into the things that they like to do. Wil Wheaton is simply one example. Action star Vin Diesel (Guardians of the Galaxy, The
Fast & Furious series) is about as macho and tough as they come. He’s not the type of guy you see playing
games like Dungeons & Dragons, and yet he does. Actor Brandon Routh, (Superman Returns, CW’s Legends of Tomorrow), plays the card game Magic: The Gathering. And actress Felicia Day, (The Guild, Supernatural, Dr. Horrible’s
Sing-Along Blog), is a reoccurring guest on Tabletop where she shows her love for a variety of games. For some, when a celebrity says they like
something that becomes a signal for others to like it as well. With celebrities
using social media to promote movies, and to show off their day-to-day lives,
it grants us a look at the hobbies that people may not normally know they
While social media has played a big part in the
acceptance of tabletop gaming, there have been other sources. Yet another example of our change of
awareness comes from video games. Fans
of the Star Wars movies have long
enjoyed the various video games that have come out that take place in that
setting. These games have in turn opened
the doors of interest toward tabletop games.
Existing as a Role Playing Games (RPGs), card games, and miniature games,
a number of different avenues exist that allow those interested to play a game
in the way they prefer. And here’s an
interesting side fact, the original Star
Wars RPG (known as the WEG/West End Games version) has helped influence
some the designs and appearances of several vehicles that have appeared in the
various Star Wars media forms (books, games, etc.).
And now I move on to movies and TV, yes, these two media
forms have used table top games in some ways.
We may not see an “Applies to
Applies” movie based on the card game, but Hollywood has begun to take a
closer interest at games like D&D. Dungeons
& Dragons has already seen two attempts, a failed film and a TV movie. Both were dismal failures, but the interest
has not diminished as directors and screen writers have come to respect
properties like this in more recent years.
I feel this is due in large to the success of comic book films like The Avengers. TV shows in turn have brought in these games,
not as a basis for a show, but as something for characters on the show to
play. The Big Bang Theory is one show where a number of tabletop games
are played occasionally by the characters on there. This helps to further
expose people to these games in positive ways.
You see when tabletop games appear on prime time TV, it
gets exposure that only family friendly games like Monopoly, or The Game of Life
normally get from commercials or use on TV shows. Now things happening in the
game are often played up for comedic effect in TV shows, but for us gamers the
truth is sometimes not that far from there.
Take my own gaming group for example.
We play RPGs, and we often chat for an hour before we actually
game. As our game progresses we break
from our immersion to tell a joke, or comment on something that happened in the
game that jogged a memory we had. We
often work in pop culture references from films to help keep the feel of
tension low. This is what we do of course,
and other people may have a less relaxed attitude toward gaming. So what happens when a game is played on a TV
show? Well it’s pretty much the same, or
at least it can be, not every game group is the same.
My next example diverges from the positives of social
media to problems that it can bring as well through the spread of
misinformation. In the past when one
wanted to know about a game it was limited to commercials for kids’ games, and
the word of mouth from others. However,
for some the uninformed opinions of people were their influence point. This brings me to the ‘80s, some religious
groups thought that Dungeons & Dragons would lead a person to worshiping
Satan and the use of black magic.
Patricia Pulling was one such person.
Her son played D&D and after he committed suicide (1982) she put the
blame on the game and even attempted to sue the company that owned the game at
the time. Though her lawsuit was thrown
out, she continued to promote her anti-D&D campaign through her one-person
advocacy group, BADD (Bothered About Dungeons & Dragons). Patricia passed away in 1997, and she was
hardly the only person to have a skewed view of Role Playing Games (RPGs) in
those days. (, The great 1980’s
Dungeons & Dragons panic.)
Because of social media these days, the ability to
research games is much easier to do. Not
only can a person find out that there are often no facts, or evidence, to back
up claims like “Satanism” around tabletop games, but they can also learn the
real stories behind events that often inspire such claims. We are not as gullible as we once were, but
at the same time we still fall sway to gossip and fear mongering. Often certain religious groups like the, Westboro Baptist Church, help spread
misinformation and distrust of games, as well as the people that play
them. The fact that we can now look up
these rumors about the games that interest us allows us to know for ourselves,
whether or not, we should play them.
In my observations I haven’t found a specific point where
we shifted to acceptance. However, I
feel that this has been a building of momentum that took years to reach where
it is now. Looking at it how things have
progressively gotten better for us, I’ve likened this to the same thing we saw
with rock music. Some examples are Black
Sabbath, Led Zeppelin, KISS, AC-DC, and so forth. When these rock groups came out, people
screamed that they were evil and listening to them lead to devil
worshiping. It’s an odd similarity of
opinion for two different mediums, but with time people came to accept and love
these bands. The same is likely true for
tabletop games. Times have changed, and
we as a people are more open minded. We’re
willing to try the nerdy things, to play the geeky games’ because we’re
together with our friends.
Yes, we geeks and nerds still play our RPGs, and poker is
still a game some play with their friends and coworkers occasionally in a dimly
lit room. People no longer need to gyrate awkwardly on dance floors, or huddle
around a bar room table for enjoyment.
Rather we can all hang out at a friend’s house, be relaxed, have a
drink, and enjoy the company of our friends while playing a game. We don’t even
need to be in the same building anymore to play these games. Many classic
tabletop games, as well as more modern games, have a digital tabletop that we can
instead log into. This allows friends from anywhere in the world with an
internet connection to get together and play a game. Some people may just use a
camera and a program like Skype to
play a game with distant friends. Regardless of how we choose to hang out,
games let us still do the things we want to do with our friends and it seems
that people are finally coming around to this. So who needs to be a geek, or a
nerd to play D&D these days. Who
needs to play poker when you can play Card’s
Against Humanity. There are so many
choices of games present that we needn’t play just one game all the time. Either way it’s an open world for gaming now,
you just need to choose your own adventure.
Works Cited
Gaudiosi, John. “Wil Wheaton’s
Game Theory.” Time
Inc. 01 April. 2014. Web. 06
Dec. 2016.
“The great 1980’s
Dungeons & Dragons panic.” BBC. 11 April, 2014. Web. 06 Dec. 2016. BBC. 11 April, 2014. Web. 06 Dec. 2016.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Game Conversion: D&D 5th Edition - The Jedi
So I noticed via my Facebook feeds a while back that folks are again converting Star Wars to D&D. Well now why wouldn't I jump on that bandwagon? I was hoping to have gotten this done a lot sooner, but with college requiring quite a bit of time, not to mention my kids, and other stuff happening it's been a busy time for me.
Now keep in mind that with any conversion of mine, it's subject to change based upon user feedback. If it's not powerful enough, or too powerful, it can be toned down. But if you want to see some changes, please let me know in the comments section.
Now keep in mind that with any conversion of mine, it's subject to change based upon user feedback. If it's not powerful enough, or too powerful, it can be toned down. But if you want to see some changes, please let me know in the comments section.
His cool gaze lingered only for mere moments on his foes
before assailed him from every direction. The rod in his hand suddenly snapped
to life with a glowing blade of its own. He moved as if he know already what
his foes would do before they did, his blade sizzling as it intercepted killing
blows with speed and grace.
She closed her eyes and kept them closed as she stretched
out her senses. The room looked jovial, but underneath it all there was
tension. She could sense them, a handful
of people tense and ready to act. They
were people she of course did not travel with, but ones who were ready to stir
up trouble. On the other hand, that was why she was there.
To be vigilant and ready to defend was a noble concept,
however he was more proactive. He slipped through the halls of the enemy fort
unseen, as if he owned the place. The
creatures that stalked the halls would see him if he let them, but the Force
had a power over the weak minded, and even those with some strength of will
were still susceptible.
Jedi are masters of the unseen arts, wielders of a cosmic
energy known as the Force. Like Ki and
magic, the Force is an unseen energy that is created by all living things. The Jedi stand as wielders of the Force for
the sake of defending others. But there
are still some who choose a different path, to walk a path of darkness, and
many start upon this path by starting as Jedi.
The Power of
the Force
Jedi spend much of their lives in training and study of a
mystical energy field they call “the Force.” This energy is a magic like energy
often thought to be the power from which the Gods gain their power. The Force
flows through all living things, connecting all life together in hidden ways.
This universal life force is the source of the Jedi’s power, and the source of
power for several other beings. It
stands separate from the elements that comprise magic, or the magic gifted to
clerics. Bending the Force to one’s will requires training and aptitude. With it one can alter the perceptions of
those around them, or affect the physical world. But more importantly one can control their
own physical capabilities, and even attune their senses to the flow of the
world around them to make them appear to have reflexes well beyond the norm for
a person.
There is No Death,
only The Force
Temples of grandeur or small alcoves can play home to the
Jedi. It is not the aesthetics of a dwelling that make it home, but how it is
used. The Jedi who live in these places train to use the Force, they
contemplate the Force – its light and dark sides. People do not simply become Jedi, most those
with the aptitude are found amongst orphans, or children that parents have come
to fear or worry about the powers they display.
In some cases, children are born within their order as well.
Jedi are sociable, but some can come across being distant
or withdrawn from the world and its troubles as they contemplate the extent of
their actions before acting, making their order to appear lethargic in their
actions. Their capabilities as warriors
and diplomats is highly sought after, and many kingdoms try to retain the
services of Jedi though establishment of temples for their order to use.
Those Jedi that do adventure often do so out of a desire
to help others, or to expand their knowledge of the world and the Force. For a Jedi, material needs are
inconsequential. Jedi dress in simple
robes and carry only the basic items they need for travel. The only other item they carry is a sword,
that is until the time when the Force calls to them to build a lightsaber.
Creating a Jedi
Creating a Jedi character requires one to think about the
character’s motivation to adventure.
What sort of person are they? How did they come to join the Jedi
order? Is the Force for knowledge &
defense, or perhaps it is a means to an end?
Are you one for diplomacy, or do you utilize more forceful tactics? Did you fall to the dark side? Rather than
standing on the side of the light or darkness do you walk a middle ground?
Jedi that move into a life of adventure are hard workers,
often using the Force in their daily lives in either subtle ways or profound
ways depending upon what is needed.
Those the go out into the world care little for wealth and the
accumulation of political power. And
with adventure can come opportunities to learn about love. And while love is a
thing they look upon with some degree of reserve, as attachment is not entirely
a good thing, but it is not evil either.
As a result of extensive training and upbringing to serve
the light side of the Force, nearly all Jedi are good aligned.
Force Points
Unarmored Defense, Use the Force
Attuned Senses
Knights Dedication, Hone Lightsaber, Lightsaber
Ability Score Improvement, Extra Attack
Improved Force Use
Knights Dedication
Calmness of Mind
Ability Score Improvement
Peerless Protection
Improved Lightsaber
Knights Dedication
Ability Score Improvement
Greater Force Use
Force Meditation
Force Awakening
Ability Score Improvement
Knights Dedication
Master’s Power
Force Stance
Ability Score Improvement
You can make a Jedi quickly by following these
suggestions. First, make Dexterity your highest ability score, followed by
Wisdom. Second, choose the scholar background.
As a Jedi, you gain the following class features.
Hit Dice: 1d8
per monk level
Hit Points at 1st
Level: 8 + your Constitution Modifier
Hit Points at
Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution modifier per monk level after
Armor: Light
Simple Weapons, Short Sword, Long Sword, Great Sword, Lightsaber*
(* Gained once the character has reached Level 3.)
Tools: Jewelers
Saving Throws: Dexterity, Wisdom
Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics,
Insight, Investigation, Nature, Persuasion.
You start with the following:
Beginning 1st level, you gain the unarmored
defense similar to that of the Monk.
At 1st level you have the ability to use the
Force. You gain a starting 2 Force
Points, and from there you gain an additional number of points every 2 levels
thereafter. Force points are spent on
the use of various Force powers that a Jedi learns to use as they gain in
experience. Force powers are associated
with one of three basic disciplines of Force use; Alter, Control, and Sense. Once a Jedi has expended their Force points
they may regain a number of expended Force points equal to their WIS modifier
+1 (with a minimum of 1) with a short rest, or all of their Force points with a
long rest. Jedi gain the use of the
following basic powers as they start at the “Padawan” level. If a saving throw is needed for any Force
power the difficulty is 8 + your Proficiency Bonus + your WIS Modifier. Sense and Control based Force powers may be
used as a bonus action.
Kinesis (Alter): For 1 Force point
you may move a one handed object that you can see clearly to you, or away from
you up 60ft. If used for attack the
damage is 1d6 + WIS modifier in force damage. The target must also make a DEX
saving throw. If they fail they are
knocked prone, and if they succeed they remain standing.
Self (Control): For 1 Force point you may gain advantage on either STR,
DEX, or CON based skill rolls and Saving throws. This is concentration based,
but also requires 1 Force point to be expended each turn that the power is
maintained. You may also choose to instead grant this benefit to a single
chosen ally within line-of-sight of you as a bonus action.
Sense (Sense): You can heighten your senses, becoming attuned to the flow
of the Force in the world around you. This is concentration based and while in
use you have advantage on Insight, and Perception rolls. For 1 Force point, and while maintaining
concentration, you can act normally if blinded or in the effect of a Darkness
spell or effect, though you still cannot see.
Jedi all suffer from the lure of the Dark side. The Force has two sides, light and darkness. For more on Jedi and the Dark and Light sides
of the Force
At 2nd level your senses in the Force have
become more attuned to its flow. When
using a one or two handed weapon with which you are proficient you may choose
to gain either a +2 bonus to your defense as your Force attuned senses allow
you to anticipate your opponent’s actions. Or you may gain a +2 bonus to your
attack rolls. If you are using a shield you may not apply the bonus to defense,
but if dual wielding you are allowed to retain the bonus.
Upon reaching 3rd level, you must choose a path
upon which to commit yourself as you move from “Padawan” to “Knighthood.” These dedications are: Way of the Guardian,
Way of the Consular, Way of the Sentinel, and Way of the Sith. Your dedication grants you features at 3rd,
6th, 11th, and 17th levels.
At 3rd level you gain the ability to craft a
lightsaber. To do this the Jedi requires
a crystal which they must cut and then infuse the Force with. With a crystal
ready the Jedi then needs to have parts and pieces ready to assemble to form
the hilt of their lightsaber, encasing the crystal in the protective
casing. With the hilt crafted the Jedi
can ignite the blade of this weapon creating a long sword like blade that deals
damage like a long sword, but has the following weapon properties: Finesse,
Light, Thrown, and Versatile. A
lightsaber’s blade is treated as a magical weapon and its damage is fire based
(it can be used to ignite combustible objects).
You may also use other lightsabers that you may find, but you must
attune the weapon to you first before you can use it. The lightsaber that you craft is
automatically attuned to you, and counts as an attuned weapon for such
At 3rd level you may use your lightsaber to
deflect missiles like the Monk’s “Deflect Missiles” class feature. However, you may only deflect missiles, you
cannot catch them. You also must use a
lightsaber for this to be used at its full effect. If you use any other weapon you are
proficient with for this attempt you roll 1d6 instead of 1d10. The lightsaber
however can also deflect magical attacks, including the Magic Missile spell. By
expending a Force point per level of the spell deflected, the Jedi may attempt
to reflect the attack back at the attacker, requiring an attack roll at a
disadvantage. Magical attacks that
cannot be deflected are ones that do more damage than can be deflected,
otherwise the damage against the user is reduced by their deflection, this does
include area affecting attacks as the blade can be used to split the path of
the damage. Additionally, every 4 levels
allow the Jedi to apply an additional 1d10 to the amount of damage they can
This is gained as per the same feature for every class in
the PHB.
This is gained as per the same feature for some classes
in the PHB (at level 5).
At 5th level the extent of your Force powers
increases. You may select up to 3 of the
following powers.
Force Kinesis (Alter): You can move objects equal to what you can lift and
carry up to your maximum weight. If striking an opponent, the damage die is
increased to 2d6. For an additional
Force point you can use the strike to hit all opponents in a 30ft cone.
Enhance Self (Control): You no
longer need to spend a Force point per turn to maintain the power. You instead
need only spend a point to activate the power and maintain concentration. For
an additional Force Point you may apply your WIS modifier to any roll that you
have chosen to enhance.
Force Sense (Sense): For an
additional Force Point you can sense the location of individuals who are
invisible or hidden from sight.
Heal (Light Side, Alter): You can
use the Force to heal the wounds of others (not yourself). Each Force point spent allows you to heal 1d8
+ your WIS modifier in HP to the target.
The target must be touched by you in order for them to receive the
effect. This also can be used to draw out
poisons and diseases, but only 1 at a time for 2 Force points.
Repulse (Alter): You project the
Force out from you, pushing any opponent with in 15ft of you. For 2 Force points, each target must make a
STR save. If the save is failed, the target
takes 2d8 damage and is pushed back a number of feat equal to the damage rolled
and are prone. If they succeed they take
half damage, and are pushed back half the distance of what is rolled on the
dice (they also remain on their feet).
You can spend another Force die to increase the dice rolled by an
additional d8.
Trick (Alter): You can use the Force
to cloud the mind of others allowing you to influence them without their
realizing it. The mind trick has a few
different uses.
o Influence Perceptions: The power can be used to influence the
perceptions of others. This allows you to create sounds and sights to fool
those that you can perceive. This works
like the Prestidigitation spell, except that it creates a mental illusion of
the effect, and cannot be used to do some of the more physical capabilities of
the spell. But because of this the power
can mix both sight and sound. This can affect any target with in sight, and it
requires concentration to maintain.
Targets must make an INT save in order to not be affected by this. Targets that possess a resistance to psychic
damage are unaffected by this power.
o Compel:
For 2 Force points you can use the Force to compel a person’s actions to
follow certain directions, and concentration must be maintained while the
commands are given. Those who are
affected by this typically don’t know that they have been affected unless
something happens to contradict the compulsion.
All targets with in line-of-sight to the character must make a WIS
save. If they fail they are compelled to
follow the directions of the user, where in they can issues commands that the
individual would normally not be opposed to, (we are not the adventurers you
are looking for – we can go about our business – move along). If it’s a command that the individual might
be opposed to then for each command given they are allowed an additional saving
throw. Commands given cannot include
actions that would result in injury or loss of life to the individual. If such commands are given, then the effect
immediately ends.
o Command (Dark Side): For 2 Force points, and acquiring a Dark Side
point, you can use the Compel ability to issue commands that essentially allow
you to force a single target to follow your instructions, no matter what they are. The target is still allowed a WIS saving
throw for each command given, but you can force them to execute themselves,
fight their comrades, and so forth.
Concentration must be maintained on the target however for this to
continue to work.
Absorption (Control): As a reaction
you can spend 2 Force points you gain advantage on spell saving throws that do
damage. If you succeed on your saving
throw you are treated as if you have resistance to the spells damage. For an additional Force point, when you
successfully save against the power, you may shunt that energy to allow
yourself a reactionary attack against any target within striking distance to
you (you can use a Force power if desired).
Control (Control): You may spend a
Force point to increase your base movement by x2. Your leaping distance also is doubled. Or if falling or leaping down you may spend
the Force point to reduce the fall distance proportionately thus reducing
potential damage you would sustain.
(Control): You exude your presence
in the Force allowing you to influence others in more subtle ways. For 1 Force point you gain advantage on
Deception, Intimidation, and Persuasion skill checks. If you spend an additional Force point you
may add your WIS bonus to the skill rolls.
Heal (Light
Side, Control): If you spend 2 Force
points you can make use of the “Cure Wounds” spell. In the place of casting at
higher levels you can expend 1 additional Force point for each level that the
spell is cast at a higher level for. However,
unlike the spell, the power can only be used during a short rest.
(Dark Side, Alter): For 3 Force
points you can inflict harm in the opposite way one would heal. With a gesture you can essentially strangle
the target. Distance does not matter,
but you must be able to clearly see the target.
Targets must make a CON saving throw.
If they succeed they take half damage, but if they fail they will take
full damage. The target takes 2d12
damage from the power. Additionally, the
target is unable to breath and cannot concentrate at all on the use of powers.
You may also choose to maintain the power each round for 1 Force point, where
the target continues to make a saving throw against the damage. You can choose not to kill the target with
this power, but instead render them unconscious. For an additional Force point you use the
Force to lift them into the air by their neck, this renders the target
immobile, but they are still capable of fighting and defending themselves.
Sense (Light Side Sense): For 1
Force point, and as long as you concentrate, you can sense the life forces of
all things around you with the Force up to 1 mile away. While you may not know what they are, you
know the locations of all beings in a 1-mile area. If something is not alive then you cannot
sense it so much as an absence of life.
Falsehoods (Sense): For 2 Force
points, and as long as you concentrate, you will know if there are illusions
around you, if someone is telling a lie, or if someone has assumed a form that
is not their own.
Meld (Sense): For 1 Force point per
person you wish to affect, so long as you concentrate and can perceive them,
you may grant every person affected a +1 to attack rolls and +1 to their AC
(except yourself). So long as you
maintain this, your allies gain the bonus.
(Light Side, Sense): For 2 Force
points you can empathize with any living being.
The target may make a WIS saving throw.
If they succeed they don’t see you as a threat, but their disposition
remains unchanged.
Unseen (Control): For 3 Force points
you can move as if no one can see you.
This functions like the Invisibility spell, lasting 1hour as long as you
concentrate. This can only affect you
(Sense): With the Force you can see
into the past, what is happening in the present, and with the future you can
catch glimpses of what could be. Use of
this power requires concentration, but the character also cannot be in combat
as it takes at least a minute of time to focus on using this power. While in
use the character can clearly see the past and present, regardless of distance,
however the future is always in motion and the character will be assailed with
images of what could be. The power
essentially grants guidance, to a course of action.
At 7th level your focus and calm mind grant
you resistance to charms and being frightened.
You have advantage on saving throws against these powers. You also can spend your action to recover a
number of Force points equal to your WIS modifier +1 per 3 levels.
At 9th level when an ally is adjacent to you,
you may use your action to defend, in doing so those adjacent to you gain a +2
bonus to their AC so long as you are using your lightsaber, and are using your
“Attuned Senses” to grant yourself a +2 bonus to your AC as well.
At 10th level the damage dice you roll for
your lightsaber increases by an additional die.
At 13th level you gain the use of an
additional 3 chosen Force powers from the Improved Force Use list.
At 14th level you gain the skill to meditation
with the Force. Instead of taking a long
rest the Jedi may meditate for half the time to gain the same benefits. If meditating as part of a short rest, the
Jedi may recover an additional Force point.
At 15th level your aware on a day to day basis
of the ebbs and flow of the Force. You
cannot be the subject of a surprise attack, and you are aware of danger in your
vicinity (with in 180ft), though you won’t know if it is directed at you or
not). More over if a person dies while
you are around you will sense their death through the Force.
At 18th level your powers in the Force are at
their height. You may select an
additional 3 powers either from the Improved Force Use list, or you may select
3 from the following list.
Negation (Light Side, Alter): You
can use the Force to negate any one spell (or Force Power) that you are aware
of that is being cast, or is on an area (excluding enchantments). You may expend a number of Force points equal
to the spells level, or those used in the Force Power, to negate the effect. You must make an attack roll against the
saving throw of the spell/power, or its attack roll. If you succeed the effect is negated, if you
fail the effect is diminished doing half its intended effect.
Force Kinetics (Alter): Your
telekinetic powers are at their peak.
The amount you can lift can be doubled for each Force point you spend in
addition to the base requirements. If
used to strike with the already doubled dice double a second time.
(Dark Side, Alter): This powerful Dark
Side Force power requires training, unlike other Dark Side powers (see The Dark
Side for more details). Domination works
similar to Mind Trick except that the effect has you completely dominating the
mind of another. The target must make a
WIS save. If successful they are able to
ward off the Domination…however if they fail they are not the puppet of the
Jedi, and they can be commanded to do anything, even things they would be
morally opposed to doing. Each turn they
act against their will they may make a WIS save to break free. This affects only 1 target that you can
perceive and who can perceive you. The
base cost is 5 Force points, plus you may spend an additional number of Force
points to increase the DC of the roll while the target is dominated by 1 point
per Force point spent. Each time they
fail a save however the DC reduces by 1.
Lightning (Dark Side, Alter): This
powerful Dark Side Force power requires training, unlike other Dark Side powers
(see the Dark Side for more details).
For 5 Force points you can unleash Force Lightning from your
fingertips. This deals 8d8 Necrotic
damage, that inhibits any regeneration, and leaves the target stunned until the
start of your next turn. Targets may make a DEX saving throw for half damage,
and Jedi can deflect it. If they fail
the save they take the full damage and are stunned. The power can be used to target an individual
or a 30ft cone. Use of this power gives
an immediate Dark Side point.
Force Enlightenment
(Light Side, Control): Through the
Force you can awaken a broader world to those you choose to. A single chosen target can have their senses
temporarily awakened to the Force. For 1hr
the person has 3 Force points (that don’t recover) and can spend 1 Force point
to grant you either advantage on your next WIS based skill rolls, or you gain a
+2 to Defense until the start of your next turn. To use this the character needs at least a
short rest to temporarily awaken the person to the Force.
Meditation (Control): For 5 Force
points you can enter a battle meditation.
In this state you have advantage on all attack rolls you make while you
concentrate. You can spend an additional
Force point to add a +2 to your Defense, or you can do an additional die of
damage (equal to the weapon you’re using).
While in the battle meditation you are immune to charms, intimidation,
and fear effects so long as you maintain your concentration.
Armor (Control): For 3 Force points
you gain resistance to harm as long as you concentrate. While this is active you have resistance to
Slashing, Piercing, and Bludgeoning damage. For 1 additional Force point (or
more) you can gain resistance to an additional damage source type.
At 19th level the character’s strength in the
Force allows them to better control their destiny and where they stand in the
Force. You gain one of the following
traits depending on your stance toward the Light Side or Dark Side of the
Force. Note that if your stance in the
Force shifts from Light to Dark, you lose the use of the feature until your
stance can shift back.
of the Light: You are resistant to the pull of the Dark Side, and oppose
evil. When fighting Dark Side Force
users, or evil opponents, one of your attacks can be made with advantage – once
per turn.
of the Light: You stand against the
tide of darkness and corruption of the world.
On your turn, choose one of your saves that you can have advantage on.
Seeker of
Balance: You stand in neither Light nor Darkness for both are at balance in
you. You are not susceptible to the pull
of the Light or Dark Side of the Force and are immune to actions that would
incur a Light or Dark side point (including if one is forced on you). However,
you cannot use Force powers that are aligned with either side of the Force.
When targeted by Light or Dark side powers you are treated as if having
resistance to them, this includes helpful Force powers.
in the Dark: You have fallen into
darkness and through the dark you can corrupt the hearts of others. You can
force an opponent who is within 30ft of you to make a WIS save. If they fail, they gain 1 Dark Side point if
they are susceptible to the pull of light and darkness in the Force, and they
are at disadvantage on their next attack roll.
Those who are good aligned however just suffer the disadvantage. If they make their save you cannot use this
against them again until you have taken a long rest.
in the Dark: You are a ravager, a
brutal warrior for the Dark Side. If you
roll a natural 19 or 20 on your attack roll it is a critical hit. If attacking a Light Side or Good aligned opponent,
you may add an additional die of damage to the critical hit equal to that of
the weapon you are using.
At 20th level you gain the use of an
additional 2 Force powers from either the Improved Force Use list, and 1 power
from the Master Power list.
Upon reaching 3rd level, you must choose a
path upon which to commit yourself as you move from “Padawan” to
“Knighthood.” These dedications are:
Path of the Guardian, Path of the Consular, path of the Sentinel, and Path of
the Sith. Your dedication grants you
features at 3rd, 6th, 11th, and 17th
Jedi who follow the Path of the Guardian are defenders of
others. They learn to defend themselves
and others while leading others into openings that they can take advantage of.
Starting at 3rd level you learn to lead your opponent’s
attacks into an opening for you to strike at.
If your opponent misses an attack roll you may use your reaction to make
an immediate counter attack at advantage. You may also spend a Force point
instead of taking a reaction to make use of this if desired.
At 6th level you your senses in the Force
allow you to sense what is going to happen moments before it will. You cannot
be the subject of a surprise attack and my act normally if this occurs. Additionally, you have advantage on DEX
saving throws against effects that you can and cannot see. Thus your attuned
senses can cancel out penalties for being blinded, fighting an invisible
target, as well as assisting you in dealing with traps and spells. This does not allow you to know if something
is there, just that when something is about to happen you become aware of the
danger and where it is coming from.
At 11th level your ability to strike an
opponent is guided by the Force. For one
of your attacks, you may add an addition die equal to that of the weapon you
are using to your roll.
At 17th level the guardian is a master of the
Force and how it is used for defense of one’s self and others. As a bonus action, you can do one of the
Deflection: When using the Lightsaber Deflection feature you may roll d12’s
instead of d10s when using a lightsaber (roll d8’s if using any other weapon).
You may also use this to protect adjacent allies as well.
Strike: When you hit an opponent
with a melee attack and do damage you may, as a bonus action, demand that they
surrender. The opponent must be able to
understand you for this to work. You may make either a Persuasion or
Intimidation roll (depending on the circumstance and how you approach
them). The roll is at advantage. If you succeed the opponent will yield,
surrender, or flee. If you fail the roll
then the opponent simply continues to act normally. However, if you or anyone in your party
attacks the opponent after this, the opponent’s next attack roll is at an
Inspire: Your presence can reassure and inspire your
allies. As a bonus action you may spend a Force point (per person) to grant all
of your allies a 1d4 inspiration die to use on one d20 roll on their turn. This lasts until the end of the encounter,
and cannot be used again until a short rest is taken.
Jedi who follow the Path of the Consular are
diplomats. They learn many things other
Jedi do not, and prefer diplomacy over violence.
At 3rd level your more capable and studied
than other Jedi, and you have learned to apply your knowledge. When making an INT skill roll, you may add
your WIS modifier to the roll made. You
may also choose 1 additional INT based skill to have as a class skill.
At 6th level you can use a bonus action to
make an Intimidation, Deception, or Persuasion skill roll. You may add your WIS modifier as a bonus to
the skill roll. Out of combat you may apply
the same bonus to your rolls. For 1
Force point you can grant yourself advantage on the roll as well.
At 11th level your presence never comes across
as anything but calm. You have advantage
on saves vs. fear. Additionally, animals
that are not provoked into attacking will treat you as a friend. For a Force point you may force animals that
are aggressive toward you to make a WIS save.
If they fail, they calm and will leave you alone if possible. If they succeed, then their aggressive
attitude continues.
At 17th level your diplomatic skills and
mastery of the Force are at their best.
You may choose either Deception, Intimidation, or Persuasion to be a
class skill. You may also select 2
additional Force powers that you do not already possess.
Jedi who follow the Path of the Sentinel are silent
protectors. They learn to do what other
Jedi do not, to use subterfuge and precise action to deal with a problem.
At 3rd level you gain the ability to hide in
plain sight. First the Stealth skill is
a class skill for you if it is not. For 1 Force point you may make a Stealth
roll even if you do not have concealment.
The only requirement is that a way to conceal yourself must be
present. This can be as simple as
staying behind someone or making use of a chaotic environment. Once concealed it can be maintained as long
as you make a Stealth roll each time you move.
At 6th level whenever you are concealed, or
otherwise hidden from view, you may add +1d6 to one of your attack rolls, with
an additional +1d6 per 4 levels. For 1
Force point you can make use of this anytime you have advantage on the attack
roll, or when an ally or enemy of the target is within 5ft of the intended
target. If you are at a disadvantage to
your attack roll you cannot use this.
At 11th level you have learned to use the
Force to completely conceal your presence.
If you do not already possess it, you get the use of the Move Unseen
Force power. If you already possess the
power, then its use may last an additional hour. You also may reduce the Force
point cost of the power by 1pt.
At 17th level you are a master of your
art. You may reduce the Force point cost
of Move Unseen by an additional point.
You also gain the use of the Mind Trick power if you do not already
possess it. If you do possess the power
then its cost is reduced by 1, and you may add double your WIS Mod to the
saving throw for the power.
Jedi can fall from grace and those that do often go down
the path of the Sith. The accumulation
of power for one’s own wants and desires is what drives a Sith onwards. Those who set upon this path often take the
title of “Darth” as well as a secondary name, often one that has some meaning
to the character, but typically sounds malevolent.
At 3rd level you learn to channel your hatred
for power. For 1 Force point you may
mark a specific individual who is the source of your hate. While fighting this target you do an
additional 1d6 damage, and have advantage on Intimidation rolls made against
At 7th level you learn to channel the fear of
others and draw power from it. You may
make an Intimidation skill roll as a bonus action. If successful, each target that is affected
allows you to draw strength from them.
Each person affected allows you to recover 1 Force point. Once intimidated, you cannot recover more
Force points again in this manner from the same person(s).
At 11th level you learn to inflict suffering
upon others. By channeling the Dark Side
into your touch you can inflict immense pain on whom ever you touch. Make an attack roll against the target. If successful, the target must make a CON
saving throw. For 1 Force point you can
roll 2d8 damage with an additional 1d8 per Force die spent (up to 5 Force
points permitted to be spent). On a
failed save the target takes the afore mentioned damage, plus on each turn they
take the same damage, just minus 1 dice until all the damage is gone. On each of their turns they are allowed to
make a CON save as well. For each CON
saving throw they make the damage is halved.
Once used on a target you cannot use it again on the same target until
the previous effect has faded and a short rest has been taken.
At 17th level you have found that the Dark
Side has freed you from the limitations of power that one expects. You gain immunity to Charms, and Fear
effects. Additionally, you can unleash
the Dark Side of the Force into a person, clouding their judgment and making
them susceptible to your own charms.
This can only target one person at a time. The target must make WIS saving throw. If they fail they become susceptible to
suggestion, suffering a disadvantage to WIS, INT, and Charm saving throws. If targeted by a Dark Side force power the target
is treated as if they had a weakness to it.
For Jedi, there is a balance between the light and dark
side of the Force. The light serves for
knowledge and defense, which includes defending themselves. The dark side however is for the pursuit of
personal power and harming others. Those
that fall to darkness who are Jedi are known as Sith. For a Jedi and other Force users, there is a
risk of falling to the dark side. When
characters make use of the Force they determine whether or not they will use it
for light or darkness. In some cases, the
pull of the dark side is stronger than what one can resist.
When the character uses a Force point for their powers
they may choose to use it for the dark side.
In using a power for the dark side, the damage is increased by 1 die, or
the saving throw required by the target is increased by 2. However, when a Force point is spent in this
manner it draws the person closer to falling to the dark side and becoming corrupted. On the other hand, following the light is not
so simple either. When a Force point is spent
to call upon the dark side, or to use a dark side power the Jedi must make a
WIS saving throw. If they fail the save,
then they begin their shift to the dark side.
This gives the character a Dark Side score of 1 point for the first time
this happens. Once a score of 5 is
gained the character’s destiny is now entwined with the dark side. Using light side Force powers becomes
difficult increasing the Force point cost by 1 for them. If another 5 points is earned to have a score
of 10, the character has fallen to the dark side. The benefit of using a Force point to call on
the dark side is no longer available, and one cannot use light side Force
powers again.
However, for one who has gained a dark side score there
is still hope. In order remove a dark
side point the character must either perform a heroic act that would benefit
the light. Or they can refuse to use
anything but the bear minimum of their Force abilities, nothing that requires a
Force point expenditure for a number of days equal to their dark side
score. After that time the score is
reduced by 1 point. Those who have
fallen to the dark side and wish to remain there can no longer advance in any
of the Knights Dedication except with the Path of the Sith. If this happens any features previously
gained may be swapped out for those for the new path. Once fallen to the dark side the character’s
alignment also changes, but to “evil”.
This is due to the dark side’s corruption upon them and the shift in
personality that often comes with the fall.
Finally, the act of self-sacrifice can possible wipe the slate clean,
allowing the character to once again have a dark side score of 0…but this
technically should be an act that would cost the character their life; though
there are ways of surviving death – including being lucky.
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