What its all about...

As a fan of table top Role Playing Games, and Video Games, not to mention anime I once had a web site that I devoted to creating conversions of the things I liked to a particular game system or another.

Well I'm back and its time to get back to posting and talking about the things I like with others.

Video Games: I will be trying to write reviews for games I play and may even work out conversions of games to table top RPG's for gamers to enjoy, or at least I will give a guiding hand rather than doing all the work myself. Unfortunately the only game system I own is an X-Box 360, and my computer which kind of limits what I can do. Unless some kind soul wants to buy me an X-Box One. :)

Table Top RPG's: I play a few different table top games along with my friends. Sometimes I will write about a game system I have read up on or tried out, and may write up a conversion for agame system. Game systems I typically play are - Hero System (Champions, Fantasy Hero); Star Wars (Fantasy Flight Version, Saga Edition); Savage Worlds, D&D (3.5 Edition, 5th Edition); Pathfinder, and possibly others in the future.

But I look forward to providing folks with some entertainment and to get some discussions going on things I may post (but please keep it civil).

Also please feel free to click on any ads that are on my blog here, doing so really helps me out.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Home Brew Character Generator for Star Wars Edge of the Empire!

Hi everyone I am back to tell you about a character generator.  So my friend Steve was the one who pointed this out to me originally and I gotta say that it works really well.

The creator of this program goes by the name OggDude on the Fantasy Flight Games forums.  He's put a lot of effort into crafting a program that works and gives players a character sheet with plenty of info on it for your character.  Now don't think I'm going to leave anyone hanging, I've included screen shots that the creator has provided in his forum so you all can see what it looks like.

Now the creator does do some things pretty smart.  First off character generator doesn't include any rule information.  Values are calculated for you, which isn't a problem that could get him in trouble.  What typically gets people in trouble when it comes to making a character generator is the proprietary information that they include...namely the rules for things in the book; and he isn't charging anyone anything for using it...though donations are accepted.

While stats, talent/skill names, calculations, equipment (and their basic modifiers) and such all are present.  Whats missing are descriptions, and that is fine because it keeps the creator out of trouble.  Instead what he does (and what other people tend to forget to do) is list page numbers of the books the information can be found in.  But don't get down about this as you can go into the game and input all of the info yourself from the books you own.

Another cool thing is that OggDude is ever present in the forum and he listens to folks and gives feed back and updates things.  Another cool thing is that you don't have to go back to the forum to get the update, the app updates on its own.

The app covers not only the various Edge of the Empire books, but also Age of Rebellion, and Force and Destiny (Beta).

But what if there is something you want to add to the rules?  Like that custom suit of experimental power armor the group needs to steal, or maybe that starship they had modified to cut down on its encumbrance capacity to get more space for mods?

All of this is addable including pictures for characters, gear, ships and so on.

The app has 3 distinct options:

  • Character Generator - Here you create your characters, update them, and even deal with vehicles that the player or players have access to.
  • GM Tools - In this section the GM can create minions, rivals, and nemesis type characters, set up vehicles, encounters and character groups.
  • Data Editor - And here is where you can add completely new things or modify existing data.  This is where you would input information for the talents beyond page numbers and such.

This is in addition to access to a Manual, Folders, and even the Forum Page; and the skin style of the app also can be altered to suit your likes.

And what does the character sheet look like when you print it?

Well you can always print it off directly, but hopefully you can print it off as a PDF, or image.  And you got some options on how the character sheet can look too.

The first is Full Color.  This gives the character sheet a look as if it was displayed on a datapad.  This is very color intensive for printing so expect to use alot of ink for this as you will likely be printing off around 6 pages.

The next version is Full Color - No Background.  With this option you get a more normal looking character sheet that is in color, but the background datapad is gone.  This option looks the best in my opinion and is less demanding on your color ink.

The final version is Simplified.  This cuts out almost all the color and has things mostly on a grey scale.  Checkmarks and dice pools are still shown in color however.  This is a good option if you are running low on color or just like to conserve your color for when its really needed.

And here is what vehicles look like.

As you can see this is a pretty good character generator, something those of us who have been playing Star Wars RPG's have been waiting for since the old Saga Edition game rules put out by Wizards of the Coast.

And where can you get this amazing character generator?

Right here of course:  OggDude's Fantasy Flight Games Forum - "Another Character Generator"

Just go to the bottom of his 1st posting there.  He has links in his signature for different methods of installing.  (Web Install seems to work the best I think.)

And if you are flushed with cash and are feeling generous, be sure to send a little generosity his way.  OggDude did a hell of a job here.

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